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Registered on:11/21/2014
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I sincerely hear you. Matter of principle, and whether I understand the point or not, respect the position based upon principle....
so many life lessons to be learned from that movie! ...
BobbyB - This should get a laugh.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8QJiAK-s5a0...
Seriously, I understand how you challenged the perception of the majority of posters. Your perspective was the most realistic, in my view. The reply was nothing personal, just in the flow of the conversation. However, if you read this thread, many posters act like you just lost to some communit...
Because the Price is Right sucks, and you are Bob Barker. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NW2LJYDbNFk&list=PL1D45245F7D1DFBFA&index=2...
We do have a board. but don't allow the scottish to participate. British fans are welcome, but Scots are persona non gratis. Nothing personal, but we just hold no value to anything you care to say. Has something to do with poor dental hygiene, but I digress....
This is a LSU board. I could not give a arrogant tiger's arse about Mercer, nor does anyone else here. Stay on topic or you may be subject to moderation for violation of forum rules. Just trying to help. ...
I have heard of Mercer, but surprised you have. I think they play D-1 sports. Do they have a woman's team that would play your's in a preseason exhibition? Pretty nice of them to spread their wealth to the less fortunate....
Our homecoming game is in October. Would you guys be available for a one and done? We'll pay you well for the trouncing. email responses to uroverrated@poorcoaching.com...
Prove me wrong. And to answer your question, yes. I do feel better. ...
Maybe the overestimation of your "talent", and assumption of equitable coaching is a cause for your cognitive imbalance. The best player on the floor tonight was our transfer from lowly Campbell. Rating stars did not matter, his performance did. The arrogance shown in expecting a non P5 team to...
Good game, guys. Refs involved a little too much in both halves, and we were fortunate to have some role players step up and hit huge shots at critical times. Best of luck the rest of the way....