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Registered on:11/8/2014
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re: LSU Season Tickets for sale

Posted by Cat5 on 8/28/24 at 5:51 pm
How do we engage you for the seats in section 303 ?

re: For Sale: Garth Brooks Tix (2)

Posted by Cat5 on 2/20/22 at 12:57 pm
What is your email address ?
Agree, does LF have a closet full of shirts with faces of victims who have been killed in Baton Rouge in the past year ? I would assume he does because he cares about inner city folks ? Stop and think about his closet of t-shirts .... Or the other victims murdered are no big deal to him?

re: Home run last nite ? Yes or no?

Posted by Cat5 on 6/4/16 at 12:29 pm
May not be a big deal to you since you were not at the plate swinging the bat ??....but it is a big deal to a 19 year old playing in the SEC ...just saying

re: Home run last nite ? Yes or no?

Posted by Cat5 on 6/4/16 at 9:33 am
Thx ... I thought it had cleared the line from the left field fans reactions

Home run last nite ? Yes or no?

Posted by Cat5 on 6/4/16 at 9:30 am
Was Kramers hit over last nite ? Where did the ball actually land ? Thx

re: Hats off to Josh Gray!

Posted by Cat5 on 1/16/16 at 10:29 pm
Great Game Josh ! Beast mode

re: Will Obama be at the game tonight?

Posted by Cat5 on 1/13/16 at 8:44 pm
I just saw Les and Obama at Raising Canes ...... They both like chicken tenders

re: DC Dave Aranda's salary per Fox Sports

Posted by Cat5 on 1/2/16 at 10:19 am
1.6 Cam ? Where is the return on investment Lsu ?

unfortunately, the bad press that Paul scrips plays a part in some of the douche bags who actually vote for the Heisman winner ... They actually believe his bull shite

re: Hanagriff on Radio Just Now

Posted by Cat5 on 11/16/15 at 12:13 pm
Y'all really believe that coffee was the issue when CLM went to hospital ? Come on peeps ....

re: Cream puff coaches show

Posted by Cat5 on 11/11/15 at 7:38 pm
Get the evil twin off the mic. Really. ....getting boring ...give me some substance !!!

re: LSU Fans = Rowdy, Bama Fans = Calm

Posted by Cat5 on 11/6/15 at 11:03 am
That Gump news station does not have much to report about if this was actually a segment. It was a waste of time, money and energy !

There ratings must be in the TANK

re: GoPro for LSU vs Florida

Posted by Cat5 on 10/31/15 at 6:13 pm
Nice job !
RIP Tiger Fan ... We have never met, but my eyes have overflowed after reading of your passing. God had a plan for you young man !
Terrific designed and executed play by Trent and team ! During the interview after the game , he was the one who suggested to mad hatter to call the fake !