Favorite team:Texas Rangers 
Location:Los Suenos, Costa Rica
Biography:catchin dem fish
Interests:yellowfin tuna and who dat nation
Number of Posts:53664
Registered on:12/23/2003
Online Status:Not Online

Recent Posts

[quote]Looks like a long season ahead for Loomis and Allen. [/quote] because they are closing off practice in California? interesting ...
[quote]God damn you’ve been conditioned to side with the airlines. Sad. Snacks are complimentary baw. If you’re paying hundreds of dollars for a flight the least you could do is offer more variety.[/quote] nah, I just don't bitch about the most fixable "problem" you seem to have. As long as they ...
[quote]I fly very frequently and rarely use Southwest bc they are almost always more expensive [/quote] I mean it all depends on the routes you fly. I mainly fly to Saints away games and FLL. SW out of MSY is usually the least expensive assuming you book well in advance. ...
[quote]It’s me. I’m the customer who complains about incessant layovers and terrible snack options.[/quote] complaining about snacks? are you 12 years old? Eat before you get on the plane like an adult...

re: Artificial - swim bait vs. shrimp

Posted by redneck on 7/23/24 at 3:29 pm
You pulling the black anchor to coco? Good luck sir, we had them in a frenzy hitting whatever you would toss a few weeks ago at a rig south of Timbalier Island until the dolphins showed up and ruined the afternoon. All fatties too :cheers:...
rather than starting a new thread I will just bump this one We will be in KC early October for Saints@Chiefs. Seems to already be plenty of good food/drink recs in here. Anything outdoors we should hit up in the somewhat area of KC for that time of year? We are flying in but I can rent a c...

re: Tarpon Rodeo

Posted by redneck on 7/23/24 at 9:08 am
Cell phone video and people falling out of trucks ruined Tarpon Rodeo RIP to what used to be the 5 most wild days of the summer ...

re: Masters ticket application

Posted by redneck on 7/23/24 at 6:23 am
I have 3 friends that have got tickets twice Another year of nothing for me :(...
[quote]I figured they were monitored if not governed. Are they independent maybe? [/quote] Depends on the trucking company and their insurance company. If they were going that fast they were most likely independent or a small trucking company. ...
[quote]18 wheeler drivers drive like bigger assholes than regular drivers[/quote] [img]https://i.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExOG96anl1YXI4d2s3cXVpNHR5eTFwc2wyNW82dGcyeXFvOW5qbjNvNCZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/ui4VjMUBGXhwgdwUnK/giphy.gif[/img]...

re: Entitled Fan mad at Angel Reese

Posted by redneck on 7/22/24 at 8:59 am
what the frick did I just read...
[quote]Other than saying "bro" way too many times what was annoying and soft. [/quote] no shite, he literally talked about playing through countless serious injuries last season and being pumped for this season :lol:...
I listened to the interview on PMT yesterday. It was a lot better than I thought it was going to be. We ridin :whodat: :nana:...
My brother was at the game and said the atmosphere was insane. Security is going to be like the Trump LSU games in 2019 for the world cup. ...

re: Ben and Elon have takes on the VP

Posted by redneck on 7/15/24 at 3:38 pm
No way, the idiots of the political talk say it is a bad pick!!!!!!...
Never been to costco but for the girl scout cookie stands outside my local grocery store I just pretend that I am on the phone yelling at an employee ...
[quote]not a blame game to recommend wearing a life preserver .[/quote] no one is wearing a life jacket on a sport :rotflmao:...
clicking on your profile, it seems as if 15 of your 17 posts have been deleted. That's pretty impressive :cheers:...
[quote]Imagine if we could spotlight deer in helicopters at night, shooting anything that has 2 white eyes [/quote] That would be fun as shite :nana: [quote]That’s about what bow fishing is the equivalent to. [/quote] estimated 8 million redfish in Louisiana.estimated 600,000 deer. Not e...

re: Y'all OK, Rangers fans?

Posted by redneck on 7/8/24 at 11:23 am
[quote]Y'all OK, Rangers fans?[/quote] buddy we could lose every game this year and it would still be worth it to have won the world series last year while ending Houston's season in their park :dude: [img]https://img.mlbstatic.com/mlb-images/image/upload/ar_16:9,g_auto,q_auto:good,w_1024,c_f...