Favorite team:LSU 
Number of Posts:21
Registered on:1/4/2014
Online Status:Not Online

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I thought it was gonna be raunchy bloopers... Disappointed ...

re: Which charcoal do you use?

Posted by BoonesFarm4life on 5/5/14 at 10:00 am
[link=(http://www.ronswansongrill.com)]Which charcoal to use[/link]...
James Woods is back... You're going to need some Reese's pieces, a cardboard box, and a stick with a string attached to it. ...
[quote]LSU is an embarrassment [/quote] Did ole Johnny football get shutdown twice against LSU? Correct me if I'm wrong...
[link=(http://cfn.scout.com/2/1365645.html)]LINK[/link] There it is... All in black and white...
"I know a large person who does not speak highly of me. That person is unclean and would benefit from losing some weight. You're just mad because I caught you messing with my family. Haha. You are so unhygienic that it pains me. You give hypocritical advice and do what you say not too. You and your ...

re: NM

Posted by BoonesFarm4life on 1/15/14 at 4:01 pm
A drunk driver runs stop signs A high driver sits at the stop sign waiting on the light to turn green ...
Hunters care more about land conservation and habitat reconstruction than any PETA member or animal loving vegan will ever understand. God gave us animals for food to be self sufficient and not have to rely on anyone. We take care of animals; scout in the off season, feed them, observe them, and the...
[quote]“Incidents that occur at our checkpoints are constantly being reviewed. We are constantly reviewing and updating our procedures and training to ensure that screening officers are equipped to handle all sorts of security situations.”[/quote] Worked about as good as a soup sandwich...
Crop dusting is always the route to go in situations like that. Bonus point if you ask the offender "do you smell popcorn?" ...
google antibarner... Good stuff [link=(http://www.secrant.com/rant/p/46677980/antibarners-meltdown-has-jumped-the-shark.aspx)]LINK[/link]...
C: press the volume button... It cancels the ringer without having to ignore the call and explain later why you ignored it to the other party. ...
Protein bar and a small bag of almonds about an hour or so before I get to the gym...
If Washington does decide to head to Detroit or stay at Baltimore does Kevin Mawae become a real contender for the job?...
Espn just reported that the ravens offensive coordinator Jim Caldwell will be going to Detroit as the head coach. Does that mean the possible Strudrawa replacements coming from Baltimore are more or less likely to leave?...
Obama and Hitler have been compared way too often.. The aliens must have not used have used protection when they probed Hitler and that's how he contracted syphilis. Maybe they learned their lesson this time around. ...

re: OT Car Gurus needed

Posted by BoonesFarm4life on 1/13/14 at 12:59 pm
I know Mitsubishi has a history of faulty wiring on older eclipses and they would actually catch on fire because of it. Never worked on one tho and don't know anything about the brand. ...
Blind guy walks into a bar, into a stool, into a table, and hits the floor...

re: Monday LUNCH thread

Posted by BoonesFarm4life on 1/13/14 at 12:49 pm
Grilled chicken breast with bacon roasted brussel sprouts on the side...
If Bama would have got back in there I would have been hoping for a broken streak, but since it's Auburn I'm pulling SEC. It doesn't really matter though since people still haven't figured out this is the toughest conference out there......