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Registered on:12/10/2013
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Dark Brandon got yall straight triiiiiiggggerd :rotflmao:...
Thanks for the email grandma now go back to bed. Pudding cups at lunch today!...
[img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/c6/03/f7/c603f724adae245d3232976ae8d65660.jpg[/img] :cheers:...
If theres anything reps and dems should be able to agree on is that Susan Collins is a spineless shapeshifting bitch who can frick off...
Ronald Reagan? You mean the guy this board now hates and the MAGA gop has basically disowned?...
Im not going to bang a fugly skank while married and try to cover it up so I think im good.?? ...
You guys can just say you hate america and leave it at that. Then buy a ticket somewhere else. I hear Moscow is lovely this time year....
Trump and his flock are permanently aggrieved figs who spend their days projecting their own weaknesses on other while proclaiming this is “owning the libs”. You’ll hear a lot of big talk next couple days about blood in the streets blah blah, then they’ll be right back in the corner watching Jodie ...

re: Jesse Watters

Posted by AUbused on 5/30/24 at 7:14 pm
He’s about to start crying that Daddy is going to the clink....
I remember when this board tried to say that MAGA didnt love Putin and mother Russia. Good times....
Anything that keeps the retarded and mentally ill in one place is a good thing. Just like the PT....
I feel like this is a great OP to represent the core of the Trump base. Perpetual victim mentality....
Nah bitch we’re going to steal this one too. What would you and your gaggle of LARPing figs have to do with your time if we didnt....

re: New True Detective is atrocious

Posted by AUbused on 1/26/24 at 6:00 am
[quote]And on the “political” spectrum - yes it’s extremely white man bad and dumb[/quote] Man you guys are fricking losers. How many times do you have to get stuffed into a locker to end up like this?...

re: Trump will destroy Biden in debates

Posted by AUbused on 1/20/24 at 7:31 am
It could be argued that the first debate was one of the worst blows to Trumps campaign in 2020 because he went full fricking retard. Man i cant wait to be showered in MAGAmelt and tears again. America fricking hates Trump. It doesnt matter how old and feeble Biden is....
I actually agree with this take. John Wick has been red hot shite since the first film. Ive fallen asleep during 2. Somehow made it thru the forth and was wishing Wick would have domed me too when it was over. ...

re: DOW All Time High

Posted by AUbused on 12/14/23 at 9:11 am
Where were all you chodes when GEOTUS did nothing but tout stock market gains as indicator of economic health? Ohh yeah, you were all here saying the exact opposite since it was your lord. :cool:...

re: DOW All Time High

Posted by AUbused on 12/14/23 at 5:56 am
I can post a picture from a Bloomberg terminal if you’d prefer....

DOW All Time High

Posted by AUbused on 12/14/23 at 5:50 am
Thank you President Biden!! We all look forward to your second term. Especially all the chodes on this board who so wisely prophesied stock market collapse at the prospect of your administration. They must weep and skyscream daily as good news for the country spews from your loins all over their ...