Favorite team:LSU 
Location:Baton Rouge
Biography:Cool beans
Occupation:Financial analyst
Number of Posts:73
Registered on:9/14/2013
Online Status:Not Online

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[quote]Crib notes?[/quote] Picked up a condom at a bar and a little later I realized it was gone and he said he used it pleasing himself because he wanted "to see how it felt".... :yack:...
[quote]She is 45[/quote] Oh, I am not that old. :nana: Although, not too much younger either. :lol:...
[quote]I think the OP is older than jmcs[/quote] Probably so, too old to waste anymore of my time. How old would that be, btw?...
[quote]Is this the same guy who wouldn't make yall "fb official"? [/quote] Yes, and the used condom guy, and so many other humiliating things that I cannot believe I stayed through....
Well I am just a girl. :wah:...
[quote]According to the swinging thread, watching your wife take a BBC strengthens your relationship. Shoulda tried that[/quote] Funny you should mention that, this was a major issue in our relationship. He wanted to swing but I could not go there, I feel that sex is a part of an intimate, commit...
[quote]I hope you're a girl[/quote] Haha, yes. For some reason I think I would get over it much sooner if I were a guy. But maybe not....
[quote]You'll find another guy, probably when you're least expecting it. He'll come in a sweep you off your feet.[/quote] I could not imagine trusting another guy again....
[quote]When I read your posts, it's always in the voice of Woody Harrelson. [/quote] Interesting, I always read them in the voice of Sandra Bullock....
I am just getting out of a relationship with someone that was very manipulative and emotionally cruel. Part of me is just glad to be done with the lies, etc. but the other part of me is really pissed that I was treated that way by someone that supposedly "loved" me. If you have been through a si...
[quote]The Buddhists define "craving" as "wanting things to be different from how they are." Not sure if that applies to pussy cravings but I believe there is a sense of deprivation associated with pussy cravings and often pussy is used to provide comfort, reward or to fill other emotional needs. Cr...
Cheaters are losers, hope she gives you the AIDS....

Has anybody ever driven a taxi?

Posted by Neontiger on 3/7/14 at 9:55 pm
It seems like a fairly easy job....
Do you already have a campus job or is this in case you are offered one?...

re: Don't know what you got

Posted by Neontiger on 1/16/14 at 11:21 pm
Darn, I should have added pics to get it going....

Don't know what you got

Posted by Neontiger on 1/16/14 at 11:17 pm
Till it's gone... Any regrets?...
[quote]Actions vs feelings. Yes you can have both long-term, but you can't sustain the feeling without the acts of love. That's how we were designed.[/quote] Can you have the actions without the feelings or are the feelings always implied through the actions?...
Can you be happily married without being in love? I see a lot of couples that seem to be content but don't seem to have a lot of passion for each other. They are married to their best friend and that is good enough for them (I guess)....
Is one physical and one emotional? Can you have both long term?...