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re: Covid 19: misunderstandings in statistics, ascertainment bias (more testing= more "cases")

Posted on 4/30/20 at 8:42 am to
Posted by ThinePreparedAni
In a sea of cognitive dissonance
Member since Mar 2013
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Posted on 4/30/20 at 8:42 am to
Posted by ThinePreparedAni
In a sea of cognitive dissonance
Member since Mar 2013
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Posted on 5/5/20 at 1:20 pm to


A Liberal East Coast Science Writer Talks to a Pro-Trump Texan Strength Coach about COVID-19

A weight-lifting guru, author and podcaster calls the U.S. response to the pandemic an “exercise in hysteria" that might do more harm than good

By John Horgan on May 4, 2020


That show aired March 20. A month later Rippetoe asked if I wanted to talk about “the current situation with COVID-19.” I said sure. Our talk was posted online April 24. I listened more than I spoke, because Rippetoe had a lot to get off his chest. He was still genial and jokey. Noting that fear can make you do “stupid things,” he recalled that while he was killing rattlesnakes on his property recently, one struck him and hooked a fang on his pant leg. “I did stupid things for about 10 seconds,” he said. But his anti-authoritarianism had a sharper edge than in our previous chat, and it was harder for me to relate to.

When I described myself as a “bleeding-heart liberal” who favors socialist policies, Rippetoe quipped, "Of course, you live in New Jersey." He is a “conservative libertarian” who doesn’t want to live in a “police state” that “controls every aspect of my activities.” He voted for Trump in 2016 and plans to vote for him again. “The trick to liking Trump,” he said, “is to pay no attention to what he says or types, and just focus on what he's gotten done,” like cutting federal taxes and regulations and trying to get us out of Afghanistan and other wars. Below are Rippetoe’s arguments about COVID-19, made in the podcast and via email, followed by my responses.


The Libertarian View of COVID-19

Rippetoe, who has a degree in geology, assured me that he is not anti-science, anti-medicine or anti-vaccine. He gets a flu shot every year. But he believes that Anthony Fauci and other health authorities have grossly exaggerated the threat of COVID-19.
Rippetoe disparaged an influential model from Imperial College, London, that in March compared COVID-19 to the deadly Spanish flu of 1918-1919 and predicted more than 2 million deaths in the U.S. “There are no data to suggest that millions of people are going to die,” Rippetoe said. By late April the U.S. death toll had only reached levels comparable to a bad flu season, and it was already flattening out in New York City and elsewhere.

Rippetoe admires analyses of Stanford epidemiologist John Ioannidis (whom we also discussed briefly in the cancer podcast). In a controversial essay in mid-March, Ioannidis argued that, given uncertainty about its infectiousness and lethality, we might be overreacting to COVID-19. Shutting down businesses and ordering people to stay home might end up doing more harm than good.
In April, Ioannidis and 16 other researchers carried out a study in Santa Clara County, California, in which they tested asymptomatic people recruited through Facebook for Sars-Cov-2 antibodies. They concluded that the number of people actually infected by the coronavirus was more than 50 times higher than “the approximately 1,000 confirmed cases at the time of the survey.”

These results suggest that the coronavirus is much less deadly than indicated by earlier estimates, which divided confirmed deaths by confirmed cases. In early March, for example, the WHO estimated the lethality of COVID-19 to be 3.4 percent, greater than the 2.5 percent rate of the 1918 Spanish flu. The Santa Clara study estimated lethality at 0.2 percent, roughly twice the typical death rate of seasonal flu. Although the Santa Clara study has provoked harsh criticism, studies in Los Angeles and New York have produced similar results, Rippetoe noted.
Given these facts, Rippetoe contends, politicians, health authorities, the media and the public have overreacted to COVID-19. He called the national shutdown of non-essential businesses a “ridiculous exercise in hysteria” that is “powered entirely by fear.” Rippetoe blamed governmental “overreach” primarily on state and local rather than federal officials. “I’m not concerned with Trump,” he said.

As a libertarian, Rippetoe hates being told what to do by officials like the mayor of Wichita Falls, who designated his gym a non-essential business. If he chooses to risk his health by keeping his gym open, and his customers choose to keep working out, why should the government force them to do otherwise?

Rippetoe pointed out that New York City, because of its high population density, is anomalous. “The healthcare system has not been overwhelmed, or even challenged, anywhere in the country other than New York City.” Elsewhere, hospitals, clinics and doctor offices “are largely empty, and as a result are in very dire financial circumstances.” It’s wrong, Rippetoe said, “to put the rest of us under the same quarantine lockdown” as New York City. Sweden, he said, was handling the coronavirus well with far fewer restrictions than the U.S.

Old guys like us (Rippetoe is 64, I’m 66) face the greatest risk of dying from the coronavirus. It is irrational, Rippetoe said, to force tens of millions of Americans young and old into unemployment to save tens of thousands of people who might not have long to live anyway. Unemployment also leads to terrible harm, including increased rates of physical and mental illness, crime, substance abuse, domestic violence and suicide. “People are going to die as a result of this unprecedented overreaction,” Rippetoe said.
Posted by ThinePreparedAni
In a sea of cognitive dissonance
Member since Mar 2013
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Posted on 6/8/20 at 9:51 pm to
Posted by ThinePreparedAni
In a sea of cognitive dissonance
Member since Mar 2013
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Posted on 6/28/20 at 8:53 am to
Folks, we have a problem in this world

We are being fooled by emotional responses motivated by the negativity bias to extreme scenarios/propositions (which are presented as the “norm”)

No one seems to want to look at the data objectively. Instead, emotion clouds reasonable decision making

MSM and SM fuel this dopamine crisis on many levels


Up to 300 Million People May Be Infected by Covid-19, Stanford Guru John Ioannidis Says

By Patricia Claus - Jun 27, 2020


Dr. Ioannidis: We have learned a lot within a short period of time about the prevalence of the infection worldwide. There are already more than 50 studies that have presented results on how many people in different countries and locations have developed antibodies to the virus. These numbers are anywhere between 5 times (e.g. Gangelt in Germany) and 600 times (e.g. Japan) more compared to the documented cases, depending on whether a lot or limited testing was already performed in different locations. We know that the prevalence of the infection varies tremendously across countries, but also within countries, within states, and even within population groups in the same location. COVID-19 attacks some disadvantaged and deprived communities (harder), and disadvantage and deprivation means different things in different countries. Of course none of these studies are perfect, but cumulatively they provide useful composite evidence. A very crude estimate might suggest that about 150-300 million or more people have already been infected around the world, far more than the 10 million documented cases. It could even be substantially larger, if antibodies do not develop in a large share of people who get through the infection without symptoms or sparse symptoms.

So as we test more (from a process with a massively underestimated prevalence) we should EXPECT the number of cases to increase. All that testing is doing is validating the TRUE prevalence of the disease.


Dr. Ioannidis: 0.05% to 1% is a reasonable range for what the data tell us now for the infection fatality rate, with a median of about 0.25%. The death rate in a given country depends a lot on the age-structure, who are the people infected, and how they are managed. For people younger than 45, the infection fatality rate is almost 0%. For 45 to 70, it is probably about 0.05-0.3%. For those above 70, it escalates substantially, to 1% or higher for those over 85. For frail, debilitated elderly people with multiple health problems who are infected in nursing homes, it can go up to 25% during major outbreaks in these facilities.

Furthermore, the mortality rate will likely push further down as the number of “cases” increases...


Greek Reporter: You had earlier extrapolated 10,000 total US deaths using the Diamond Princess cruise ship analysis, using the case fatality rate among those infected, which was .3% (mid-range guess), with 1% of the US population becoming infected. As we know now, the total amount of those dying with the disease was much higher but it was still not the astronomical, exponentially huge number that some had predicted. There had been only 68 American deaths by March 16, the day before your original article was published. The most pessimistic projection in March was 40 million deaths globally — the same as the 1918 flu. What do you really think it is now, bottom line?

Dr. Ioannidis: In the STAT article, I discussed two hypothetical extremes for illustrative purposes, one with just 10,000 deaths in the USA and another with 50 million deaths worldwide. I said that our data are so unreliable that the truth could be anywhere between these two amazingly different extremes. Based on what we know now, we seem to be closer to the optimistic end of the range. In terms of numbers of lives lost, so far the COVID-19 impact is about 1% of the 1918 influenza. In terms of quality-adjusted person-years lost, the impact of COVID-19 is about 0.1% of 1918 influenza, since the 1918 influenza killed mostly young healthy people (average age 28), while the average age of death with COVID-19 is 80 years, with several comorbidities.

There are likely some who feel that we are underestimating the numbers and that testing will clarify the “real numbers”

They completely miss the points above

This crisis is a bad case of identity theft (1918 Influenza) that was sold to the public. No one has bothered to reframe or walk this back (the few that have have been attacked)

This post was edited on 6/28/20 at 1:00 pm
Posted by ThinePreparedAni
In a sea of cognitive dissonance
Member since Mar 2013
11091 posts
Posted on 6/30/20 at 9:45 pm to
Wisdom from Ron Paul MD


CORONAVIRUSRon Paul: Media Is Lying About ‘Second Wave’ Of Coronavirus “Another big lie …”

Published 1 day ago on June 29, 20


But then all of a sudden early in June the mainstream media did a George Orwell and lectured us that it is all about “cases” and has always been all about “cases.” Death, and especially infection fatality rate, were irrelevant. Why? Because from the peak in April, deaths had decreased by 90 percent and were continuing to crash. That was not terrifying enough so the media pretended this good news did not exist. With massive increases in testing, the “case” numbers climbed. This is not rocket science: the more people you test the more “cases” you discover.


Unfortunately our mainstream media is only interested in pushing the “party line.” So the good news that millions more have been exposed while the fatality rate continues to decline – meaning the virus is getting weaker – is buried under hysterical false reporting of “new cases.”


In fact, there has been much reporting that the “spike” in Texas cases is not due to a resurgence of the virus but to hospital practices of Covid-testing every patient coming in for any procedure at all. If it’s a positive, well that counts as a “Covid hospitalization.”
Why would hospitals be so dishonest in their diagnoses? Billions of appropriated federal dollars are being funneled to facilities based on the number of “Covid cases” they can produce. As I’ve always said, if you subsidize something you get more of it. And that’s why we are getting more Covid cases. Let’s go back to the original measurements used to scare Americans into giving up their Constitutional liberties: the daily death numbers. Even though we know hospitals have falsely attributed countless deaths to “Covid-19” that were deaths WITH instead of FROM the virus, we are seeing actual deaths steadily declining over the past month and a half. Declining deaths are not a great way to push the “second wave” propaganda, so the media and politicians have moved the goal posts and decided that only “cases” are important. It’s another big lie.

Posted by ThinePreparedAni
In a sea of cognitive dissonance
Member since Mar 2013
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Posted on 7/1/20 at 9:54 am to
Breathtakingly missing the point
Epidemiologist need to call this bullshite out (paging John Ionnadis...)


Fauci Says U.S. Could Reach 100,000 Virus Cases a Day as Warnings Grow Darker

The government’s top infectious disease expert told a Senate panel that bars needed to be closed, and the Fed chairman cautioned that “a full recovery is unlikely” until safety is restored.

By Sheryl Gay Stolberg and Noah Weiland
Published June 30, 2020
Updated July 1, 2020, 12:14 a.m. ET


“I can’t make an accurate prediction, but it is going to be very disturbing, I will guarantee you that,” Dr. Fauci said, “because when you have an outbreak in one part of the country, even though in other parts of the country they are doing well, they are vulnerable.”

It 's not an "outbreak"
It is a more accurate accounting of reality (since we are now testing everyone )


More than 48,000 coronavirus cases were announced across the United States on Tuesday, the most of any day of the pandemic. Officials in eight states — Alaska, Arizona, California, Georgia, Idaho, Oklahoma, South Carolina and Texas — also announced single-day highs.


We will find more asymptomatic folks because we are screening them (reference the Rand article in the OP)

This will reflect that the mortaility of the process is much, much lower (suggesting a more indolent process for the large majority of the population)

Instead you get fragilista Fauci syaing shite like this:


“We are now having 40-plus-thousand new cases a day. I would not be surprised if we go up to 100,000 a day if this does not turn around,” Dr. Fauci testified, adding, “I think it is important to tell you and the American public that I’m very concerned because it could get very bad.”

There is an agenda behind all of this (reference Ron Paul editorials above)

An analogous scenario is prostate cancer screening. It is a very common cancer, but is fairly indolent in a large number of folks.

Major review bodies have argued that more testing /screening is harmful (for some/most)

The harms of over detection and unnecessary treatment outweigh the benefit (This is not “intuitive” to most...) . The harm of shutdowns again gets called into question (this should not be partisan as this is “a thing” in the medical literature).

Instead of screening everyone, high risk groups are screened (beacuse it is well acknowledged that screening low risk groups can create catastrophic HARM to them...)

We dont have a prostate cancer outbreak if we would mistakenly screen everyone. Instead we have an iatrogenic harm problem from central fragilistas...

Posted by ThinePreparedAni
In a sea of cognitive dissonance
Member since Mar 2013
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Posted on 8/2/20 at 8:40 am to
Sharing here, folks on the fringe are now referring to Covid zealots as The Masked Covidians...

I guess Fauci is the Koresh figure (there has indeed been an odd worship of Fauci on SM)

Memes likely incoming

FWIW I wear a mask when required (I have separate post /thread detailing why)
Posted by ThinePreparedAni
In a sea of cognitive dissonance
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Posted on 8/28/20 at 1:38 pm to

:golf clap:
Posted by ThinePreparedAni
In a sea of cognitive dissonance
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Posted on 10/7/20 at 5:03 pm to

This has been the play all along

Blame Trump for:

The virus (not China)
Failing economy (not Dem mandated shut down)
Posted by Wildcat1996
Lexington, KY
Member since Jul 2020
6138 posts
Posted on 10/7/20 at 5:39 pm to
Only recently joined. Ioannidis' paper on p values is among the most cited manuscripts in history...and is required reading in my lab.
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