Ohio State coach and former Florida head coach Urban Meyer is one of the more confident (arrogant) guys around. On Thursday, Meyer, who originally recruited Newton to Florida, said the Panthers QB is a product of his offense...
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FL tigers 321124 months
He spent a yr at uf a yr at blynn n a year at auburn how was he at uf longer than anywhere else he left as a junior
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mkibod1124 months
All the credit goes to those AU boosters who footed the Newton bill.
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BRTiger2005124 months
In his defense, he spent more time at UF than any other school...
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TigerNSac124 months
Urban you kicked Cam off the team by letting him know that he was good enough to start at FL after you thought the Garrett kid was a better QB. You went with the hometown kid and missed out on a National Championship.

What you need to take accountability for has to do with all the criminals you had during your tenure on your team. If I am corect, you had over 18 players and counting. Tebow helped you shield the bad publicity by winning two championships.

You are still and will always be a "SCUMBAG" Meyer. You will never earned the same respect Spurrier had in Gainesville.
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earl keese124 months
Nobody loves Urban more than Urban.
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Jaydeaux124 months
Holy crap Urbs just keeps on giving us gold
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Pavoloco83124 months
frick Dan Mullen and Urban Meyer. You can thank Gustav Malzahn.
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