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Former NFL RB Ricky Williams is partnering with Jim McAlpine, who founded the 420 Games, to open the first marijuana-friendly gym in San Francisco this fall.

“The stigma runs deep and people immediately go to the propaganda engrained in their brain that says marijuana and athletics don’t mix. Well, that’s exactly why I started The 420 Games, because I knew all of those people were wrong, McAlpine said.”
I give this idea a month.
Filed Under: NFL
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genuineLSUtiger99 months
Smoking a little before a workout works like a charm. I hope he is wildly successful with this and that it spreads across the country.
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TOSOV100 months
Larry you get bashed a lot for pointless stuff, so I'll give your last little comment some made me chuckle..(Cause it's most likely true for some that may be left wondering why I chuckled at it).
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pellietigersaint100 months
Who the frick want to lift in a cloud of weed smoke? Dumb fricks....
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LSUvet72100 months
Thank you Coach Ditka for trading all NOLA's draft choices for such a brain giant !
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