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TMZ Sports is on a roll today. Now they're reporting that there's a sex tape being shopped around of Indianapolis Colts RB Trent Richardson in an orgy with at least three women. TMZ reports...

"The person who has the footage has already contacted various media outlets, including TMZ Sports ... but so far, no takers. We've seen the footage -- let's just say Trent's got a lot in common with the Colts mascot, if you catch our drift."
Oh, just one more positive story coming out of the NFL this season.
Filed Under: NFL
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thatdude1985135 months
3 more kids for Trent? DAMN DAWG.
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tuck135 months
Let he who hath not been in a sex orgy cast the first stone.
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LSUalreadyknow135 months
Dudes gonna have bout 8- 10 kids by the time his playing career is over.
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CrimsonFanSince94135 months
Larry.. Wtf.
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roadhouse135 months
just when i was worried that NFL players aren't engaging in enough risky sexual behavior
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