On Tuesday night, Carolina Panthers star LB Luke Kuechly shocked everyone and announced his retireme
© Steve Flynn-USA TODAY Sports
On Tuesday night, Carolina Panthers star LB Luke Kuechly shocked everyone and announced his retirement...
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He's only 28-years-old.
Filed Under: NFL
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Thracken1356 months
man - I hated the Saints having to play him 2 times a year cause he was a friggin beast. wish him all the best
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DoubleDown56 months
Tip my cap to him. He was a helluva player and I think it's the best move for him and the longevity of his life. He's made his $$ and he and his family should be set. More power to him!
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DoubleDown56 months
Tip my cap to him. He was a helluva player and I think it's the best move for him and the longevity of his life. He's made his $$ and he and his family should be set. More power to him!
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Strannix56 months
Good for him, hope he’s ok. He’s a monster on the field, seems like he is in on every play.
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SmelvinRat56 months
He's made 63 million (gross) and he's not even 30. Take that money and run...
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