All This Young Todd Gurley Fan Wanted Was To See Him Play...Surprise!
Brace Hemmelgarn-USA TODAY Sports
This videos will never get old. This young Todd Gurley got a really great surprise from his family when he least expected it...

Filed Under: NFL
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kjntgr83 months
Does this kid hate the flag like his hero?
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xGeauxLSUx83 months
"This young Todd Gurley got a really great surprise from his family when he least expected it... " That's young Todd Gurley? Huh. He sure did go through a lot of changes growing up.
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kjntgr83 months
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9th Green At 983 months
I sure hope Gurley sees this and does something for this kid. These players just don't play football. They are role models for this generation.
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Solo Cam83 months
Good. Train him young. Welcome to a world where you get uncontrollably mad on weekends in the fall about stuff you can't control. One of us, one of us...... In all honesty though- that's what it's all about. Good for that little fella.
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pellietigersaint83 months
no $$ value on that. nice........
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