7-Year-Old Girl Was Crushed That Saints Traded Jimmy Graham
Derick E. Hingle-USA TODAY Sports
As you know, the Saints traded TE Jimmy Graham to the Seattle Seahawks on Tuesday, which gave fans mixed emotions. However this seven-year-old girl was on the sad side of things...

Filed Under: New Orleans Saints
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tigernation56119 months
thanks benson.
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stonedbegonias119 months
Too precious for words.
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ColeCoushCoush119 months
@bbesse The same kind of parents that make their kid where those fricking nerdy arse transition lenses, apparently.
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Newgene119 months
What kind of parent films their kid crying in misery to post it to youtube?
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Load Toad119 months
Thanks Obama
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Merlin08119 months
Saints should send that little girl some type of fan pack. Living in South Carolina and a Saints fan not a Panthers fan should be worth something!
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NorthshoreTiger76119 months
Sweet melt
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monsterballads119 months
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