Earlier we told you newly rehired Louisville head coach Bobby Petrino surprised his players by unveiling new black uniforms at their first team meeting. Well, here it is...

According to RedditCFB, the black alternate uniform is one that Charlie Strong had passed on. See how that works. Well played, Bobby.
Filed Under: NCAA Football
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The Levee128 months
its so easy to win over college athletes....
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bperki6128 months
But don't forget the number one core value, honesty; they have a real lead by example type of a guy in charge to make sure that one is upheld.
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kjntgr128 months
Those look like like I what they already wear
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cameron789787128 months
It's a little disconcerting that three of the "core values" are No drugs, no stealing and no guns...
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arseinclarse128 months
No drugs? No stealing? No guns? What a bunch of pussies!
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