Ohio State professor William Clark was one of the 11 injured in Monday’s campus attack. During a press conference on Tuesday, he seemed to be feeling alright and reassuring everyone that he Ohio State is...

“still a great University. We still beat Michigan.”
Jump to the 14:08 mark...

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Filed Under: NCAA Football
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PeteRose94 months
One thing has nothing to do with the other. Way to sweep it under the rug.
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km94 months
Only with the officials help.
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BilJ94 months
Larry did you get in trouble? You've been posting stories and not instagram shots of your future victims.
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Placebeaux94 months
OSU DB's were assaulting Michigans WR's almost as bad William.
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JETigER94 months
The Football Program is the front porch, the Academic side is the House. Ohio State must not have a great house if a professor is talking about the front porch.
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pellietigersaint94 months
uhhh wut?
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1994 months
Momma just sweep em off the porch wit a broom
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LSUtwolves94 months
You're obviously unfamiliar with OSU academics.
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