I think it's safe to say this guy is a pretty big Ohio State fan. 24-year-old Buckeyes fan Kevin Alexander got this crazy tattoo that features Urban Meyer, Woody Hayes and two-time Heisman-winning RB Archie Griffin...
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According to’s Doug Lesmerises he's not done...

But he’s not done. The plan is for a full Ohio State montage on his right arm. An aerial view of Ohio Stadium. Some banners listing the Buckeyes championship years.

“I thought about maybe getting (Jim) Tressel on the backside of my arm, but we’re still in the thought process,” Alexander said.
Filed Under: NCAA Football
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MSTiger33120 months
What are the chances that he actually went to school at Ohio State?
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pellietigersaint120 months
maybe he should worry about working out a bit with fat boy arms
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Doug Masters120 months
I don't know whats worse: Gumps or OSU fans.
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Tiger Vision120 months
Why in the heck would you get another man tatted on your body?
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LSULyle00690120 months
Why is attending a school a requirement for being a fan?
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