New Big 12 Rule Prohibits Showing Too Many Controversial Replays
Jerome Miron-USA TODAY Sports
The Big 12 has put a new rule into place that prevents schools from showing controversial plays too many times on the scoreboard during games. If they do, they could get penalized. Per Fox Sports Southwest’s David Ubben...
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Baylor athletic director Ian McCaw said...

"Allowing controversial replays to be shown on multiple times or occasions can elevate the hostility in a venue," said McCaw, who serves on the league's sportsmanship committee. "We've talked about the fact we have to balance that. There's an entertainment value. We want to provide high entertainment to our fans, but we don't want an environment that's too hostile.

"It's not a prohibition. We're really focusing on the multiple showings of a replay that's going to incite a crowd," he said. "We're going to leave that up to the institution but that would be something the conference will evaluate and if they feel it was inappropriately handled, it's something they'll deal with."
Filed Under: NCAA Football
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UnAnon117 months
Haha is the Big 12 the most embarrasing P5 conference?
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Rebel Land Shark117 months
Big 12 is a joke
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HeavyCore117 months
That's fricking bullshite
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BigErn117 months
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GeauxToBed117 months
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