Check out Central Arizona basketball player Trace Dimeff suffer a mild concussion, get up a couple seconds later looking like a mess, then sink a clutch three-pointer...
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Filed Under: NCAA Basketball
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Bige11110 months
My college coach used to say that in order to be a great shooter you had to have zero memory of your last shot and believe every shot you shoot is going in. Looks like he was right!
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Hester Carries110 months
Dude was fricking gumby for 25 of 25 seconds and managed to pull it together and look like Ray Allen for 1. That was awesomely bizarre. Or bizarrely awesome.
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MeetTheFarkers504110 months
What a champ
Why did it take so long for the officials to stop play?
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Hester Carries110 months
*24 of 25
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