NCAA Announces College World Series Selling Alcohol During Games
Rafael Suanes-USA TODAY Sports
On Wednesday, the NCAA announced that they are going to introduce a one-year pilot program allowing beer and wine sales to the general public at the College World Series and Women's College World Series. Per Bleacher Report...

According to Michelle Brutlag Hosick of, the new rules will apply only to the respective championships. Fans attending CWS games at TD Ameritrade Park in Omaha, Nebraska, or WCWS games at the ASA Hall of Fame Stadium in Oklahoma City will be able to purchase alcohol at specific concession stands throughout the venues.
What maybe influence their decision?
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Filed Under: NCAA Baseball
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sullivanct19a109 months
When they finally allow this in all stadiums are the players going to piss and moan that they should be paid dividends because Billy Bob drank 12 Miller Lites at the game? Maybe this will be a good argument to pay the terrible players like Treon Harris. Fans will want to be drunk by his third possession of the game.
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LSUJuice109 months
 "announced that their going"

Good God, Larry.

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