J.R. Smith Leaves After NBA Finals Loss On PhunkeeDuck scooter
David Richard-USA TODAY Sports
After losing the NBA Finals to the Golden State Warriors on Tuesday night, the Cavaliers' trigger happy shooter J.R. Smith rode his PhunkeeDuck out of this season...
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Haha...and a Coors Light. This dude.
Filed Under: NBA
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betweenthebara111 months
Holy shite that was really really fricking good. Hahahahaha.
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Dignan111 months
The only thing better would have been if he had his head hung low, sobbing, while on a segue.
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lsuson111 months
JR is a punk, was when he was with the hornets. He was non existent during the finals. Ride along JR!!
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Geert Hammink_43111 months
well, bless your heart.
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GeauxToBed111 months
I had a class with JR (public speaking) at Tulane his rookie year with the Hornets.
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