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KamaCausey_LSU53 months
I wouldn't consider him a sleeper. I just think the value of a RB is too low these days for him to go higher than the 2nd round.
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JGWS753 months
I know I've seen him listed as the top RB, I don't think you can call him a sleeper anymore
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Blanky671553 months
Got a link? Highest I have seen him is 3. Swift is the top RB on everything I have seen and a lot of them have Johnathon Taylor ahead of Clyde.
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jeff7012153 months
Here's what the Saints should do. Trade Kamara now and get a 1 and as many other picks as possible. Then trade up or do what you need to do to get CEH. Kamara laid down on his last year.
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AustinKnight53 months
Wow what a daring reach. Dude is going to be a plug a play kinda guy. I would love for the Saints to grab that guy. At some point we have to think past Drew and he is a building block.
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Tshiz53 months
Some team is getting a solid player. Hopefully sooner rather than later
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