
Filed Under: LSU Football
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justustm248 months
That ladies, gentlemen and Klanners is what a real leader looks and talk like. He accepts responsibility and he promises to correct the problem and that is will not happen again. This is the type guy you should want your daughters to marry. Yeah I know. To many of you, that would be the worst thing possible. Jacoby is an outstanding young man and a great leader. AND he supports BLM.
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CanebreakCajun48 months
Dude, it wasn’t not the D line, the line backers or the his safety spot that was the issue. It was the corners and nickel safety, Flott and Ward got eaten alive and Pellini was a stubborn arse and did not go zone when it needed to happen.
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lsualum0148 months
Jacoby has nothing to be ashamed of. The dude played his arse off.
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