Former LSU wide receiver Odell Beckham Jr. set the record for most one-handed catches in 1 minutes at 33 during ESPN's "NFL Live" on Thursday.

Saints quarterback Drew Brees was Beckham Jr. quarterback.

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At one point, Brees ran out of footballs to throw so Odell threw them back to him, one handed of course...

Filed Under: LSU Football
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ShlikStyck120 months
ODBrees would be fun to watch on Sundays!! Damn
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SEC Grapevine120 months
Next up Malachi Dupre, sole contestant in the 40" Vertical One-Handed Catch Category, Brandon Harris assisting.
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SEC Grapevine120 months
Next up Malachi Dupre, sole contestant in the 40" Vertical One-Handed Catch Category
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Tiger in Texas120 months
All I could think about when I saw them on tv was that they should both be playing together every Sunday for the Saints! We can only dream...
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Ryan3232120 months
That. Is. Awesome.
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