
[Video: Tiger TV]
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Stellyonidas96 months
Onoz. The season is over. We are doomed. You people suck. Who brought the good news bear. Somebody should give her some f###ING honey.
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RantingTiger596 months
Les lies like Hillary
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jdutto396 months
Made it through about two minutes and turned off in disgust.
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Stellyonidas96 months
That's how I feel when I see Saban talk. I really try but it's nauseating.
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BayouTiga96 months
'Coach Speak' such BS!!! Why doesn't the media ask tough follow up questions when he evades the question?! LSU football is better <-> Miles
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idlewatcher96 months
Was there anything of actual substance? I wish someone would do cliffs of his speeches so we don't have to sit through 20 mins of excuses and false promises.
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GaTiger2796 months
Pretty predictable. A lot of the same questions everyone on TD has followed by the answer you'd expect Miles to give. I do like Cam being in the box this week, it hurt us not having an extra eye in the sky. It also sounds like he MIGHT give Etling a look, whether it's from Harris not doing great or us kicking JSUs arse. Who knows.
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