Filed Under: LSU Football
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VooDude72 months
lamest tradition ever
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Pepe Lepew72 months
Should read Care2....
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Methuselah72 months
I guess it's a cute tradition, but it just seems odd to have him eat off the floor like that.
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Ripley72 months
PETA wants Mike eating off dirt and grass in the wild. People like you want him eating out of a damn dog bowl. It's a lose, lose situation. You can't win with anyone!
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Fightin Okra72 months
Beats eating off jungle floor with several other predators trying to take you food. That is, if he can catch something
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bringit321072 months
Eat off the floor? Wow, imagine a tiger eating off a of a floor as opposed to a white linen table plate.
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Kjun Tiger72 months
They should have made it in the shape of that War Buzzard!
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ByUselves72 months
It's a Peace Buzzard! And I agree that it would have been tastier than another Tiger!
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