LSU and Clemson have agreed to home-and-home series for the 2025 and 2026 seasons, according to

LSU and Clemson will meet in the season-opener for both teams in 2025 and 2026 with the first contest scheduled for Memorial Stadium in Clemson, South Carolina on August 30, 2025. LSU will host Clemson in Tiger Stadium the following year on September 5.

“We have put an emphasis on bringing Power 5 teams outside of the Southeastern Conference to Tiger Stadium as often as we can,” Alleva said. “It’s what we want and most importantly it’s what our fans want.”

To date, Texas, UCLA, Clemson, Oklahoma and Arizona State are scheduled to play at Tiger Stadium over the next 10 years.

“We are working to grow that list,” said Alleva. “It’s a balance with neutral site games, and we’re very pleased with the progress we’ve made.”
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lsumucll3ug78 months
As if we don't already lose enough games in a season. Now we get to start those seasons with a lost. So no national championships 2025 or 2026. This is not good news.
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brewhan davey78 months
It's been so long that I've almost forgot what a non-conference home and home match-up was. This is awesome.
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Tiger Prawn78 months
This is much better news than more neutral site games.
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HunnyBadger78 months
The fake tigers are going to wish they hadn't done this...
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luciouslou78 months
by that time it wont matter. Dabo will have been long gone and be at Bama. We will be beating the piss out of Clemson, but fighting the gumps still with Dabo
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themunch78 months
Will come
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TopWaterTiger 78 months
I know this has been beaten to death but why the heck wasn't FL ST a home and home instead of N.O. and Orlando. Glad this one is home and home!
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LSUTigersVCURams78 months
Love it!
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Hair of the Dog78 months
We get to hear both renditions of Tiger Rag for two years in a row. Neither fans should wear purple to the games.
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TopWaterTiger 78 months
a bright clashing sea of yellow and orange... :lol:
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Cajunboy4678 months
Hell I might be dead by then what the hell why so far away
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kjntgr78 months
Already have home and Home with Texas next 2 years, u want them to announce these like 2 weeks in advance?
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Ripley78 months
Now this is more like it
user avatar
NakaTrash78 months
Oh yes
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