Here's Mike the Tiger enjoying this week's pregame meal...

Filed Under: LSU Football
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Ducks123 months
It appears that a bit of creativity goes into this little gimmick each week. Perhaps these trainers should meet with Miles and Cameron to inject some creativity into the offense.
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theBru123 months
Looks like AJ10 looking for a receiver!!! Tiger in the headlights? NO, fish eyes and nothing more...JJ all over again, and just think Tiger fans, we have two more years of this useless QB!!! Cuz Les is loyal to idiots!!!
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TDFreak123 months
I think cute little meat logos is a much better tradition than Mike riding in his cage. Don't you agree?
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LSULyle00690123 months
This new tradition of making meat logos needs to end, this has been a shitty season
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Lithium123 months
That second picture is awesome
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PrimeTime Money123 months
They couldn't have put that in his trailer?
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justice123 months
Beautiful cat. Mike is awesome
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1BIGTigerFan123 months
I hope that cameraman is not in that cage with him because it looks like he could be his next meal.
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LSUTigersVCURams123 months
should have given him some boar back straps and a smoked boston butt then maybe he would go hard
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