Chuck Cook-USA TODAY Sports
ESPN College Football writers Mark Schlabach and Kyle Bonagura updated their Bowl Projections after Week 8 and both have LSU headed to the Sugar Bowl to play Baylor.

Chance Linton with CBS Sports is also predicting LSU to play Baylor in the Sugar Bowl.

Allstate Sugar Bowl
Mercedes-Benz Superdome, New Orleans
Jan. 1, 8:45 p.m., ESPN
Bonagura: Baylor vs. LSU
Schlabach: Baylor vs. LSU
Linton: Baylor vs. LSU

Hopefully, their projections are wrong but the location is right as the National Championship will be played at the Superdome in New Orleans on Jan. 13.
Filed Under: LSU Football
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jnethe164 months
Nope.... That would be boring as hell.
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The_Tigahs64 months
Boo these people.
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SomeLSUguy64 months
Riddle me this batman... LSU has a legit shot at making the playoff, but they will not go out on a limb and put LSU in the playoff because they could potentially lose to the gumps... Baylor on the other hand still has t.u. and ou to play (along with wv and kansas - and we all know it would be very leslie miles of kansas to find a way to beat an undefeated Baylor team in the last game of the season). So why does Baylor get the benefit of the doubt that they will be in the Sugar Bowl and it is assumed that we are going to lose to bama and not get in the playoff?
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CelticDog64 months
Im glad its not texas.
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themunch64 months
Why the push for LSU vs Texas teams?
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CanebreakCajun64 months
because they think LSU will the #2 SEc team and either Texas or Baylor the Big 12 #2 team
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tigerpawl64 months
LSU has played in 100% of National Championship games played in the Superdome this century.
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NorthshoreTiger7664 months
2000 sugar bowl says hi
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LATECHgradLSUfan64 months
LSU would murder Baylor....don't want.
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LouisianaLonghorn64 months
Good luck selling tickets to that game. The place will be half empty. I can’t think of a single LSU fan who would be excited about that matchup.
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jmarto164 months
Wouldnt care. I want to enjoy this season as much as possible
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Gulf Coast Tiger64 months
I would be there
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PsychTiger64 months
They must know something about Tua we don't.
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Rougarou1364 months
Naw. They just aren’t going to pick LSU to beat Bama until we actually beat them.
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El Campo Tiger64 months
Not only will Tua play, but he will dominate LSU’s defense. Bama should be LSU’s only loss, though.
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Nissanmaxima64 months
We have to put pressure on Tua. His only option he will have is to sit in the pocket. He we can make him move out the pocket, he won't make the end of the game.
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