Derick E. Hingle-USA TODAY Sports
LSU head coach Les Miles addressed the media after Saturday's scrimmage and said that defensive end Sione Teuhema is suspended and suggested that he might be done at LSU.

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Teuhema's younger brother is LSU starting offensive lineman Maea Teuhema.
Filed Under: LSU Football
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widespreadpiggy106 months
Someone, please control the Islanders.
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TNTigerman106 months
Incredible that these kids can't lay off the weed.
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Mrtommorrow1987106 months
He didn't go to LSU to play school.
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Random LSU Hero106 months
Spring football / The offseason has officially started
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Noon the Great106 months
Wtf Sione!?! Oh well more pt for the 2016 studs
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monsterballads106 months
wtf did he do??
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biglego106 months
Smoked a joint probably
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siliconvalleytiger106 months
We're pretty deep at Teuhema. Not a huge loss.
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