LSU kicker Cade York has signed a deal with Velveeta that includes a promotion for fans to win free queso when he lines up for a 50+ field goal.

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Filed Under: LSU Football
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TrueTiger41 months
Does this guarantee a spot in the Velveeta bowl??
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Russianblue41 months
This is pretty cool, albeit a little bit chees... ahhh...never mind...I just can't (shouldn't, rather).
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CanebreakCajun41 months
Wonder what they pay for this? Is it a flat fee? Based on twits and re -twits. Not sure. Either way, good for him.
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Solo Cam41 months
Velvetta fricked up. Cade bombs 50 yarders on the reg
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HoarseComeSunday41 months
They missed a great opportunity...a white or purple uniform with the cheese drip on top. (You can barely notice with that orange).
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Freddy23841 months
Well I'll be dam, ain't this some shite.
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When you're that Gouda what you do, you can make some Cheddar
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memphisplaya41 months
Looks like he transferred to TN with that look
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