UMass head football coach Charley Molnar is coming under fire for some 2012 offseason conditioning that is now surfacing as you'll see in the video below. There is a current petition to stop this kind of action that the coach calls "team-building exercises” and believes it will “instill mental toughness.” Molnar explained to the Daily Hampshire Gazette...

“We tried to get these guys to feel that fear, but go out there and do it anyway,” “We never had one guy not go out and box or wrestle. Some of them went out with a lot of trepidation, but by the end of the cycle were thoroughly enjoying the activity. We did all these activities with safety in mind. I’m a fanatic about player safety. I thought it aided in team-building. Guys faced the fear and fought through it. That was the objective.”
UMass player, QB Brandon Hill got hurt during the drills and was lost for his season...

“[Molnar] had me wrestling a linebacker in the snow,” Hill told the Gazette. “He put me down and I dislocated my shoulder and completely tore my labrum in half. That kind of bummed me out. I had to go get surgery after that.”

Filed Under: General Sports
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Sig131 months
That ain't boxing... They have HELMETS ON. Big deal on wrestling. The pussification of america if this is a problem.
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Shockley03131 months
They're just practicing two other sports. Other athletes wrestle for their sport so I don't see the problem in that. Their boxing is done with helmets and gloves on. I don't see any problem in this. If you're worried about injury, then don't play football or any sport for that matter.
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Broham131 months
Looks like a good way to get hurt to me. Very dumb IMO.
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Dr RC131 months
I don't think it's so much a problem b/c they are wrestling. It's more of an issue b/c they are wasting valuable practice time doing crap that has nothing to do with football when they could simply be doing tackling drills that can toughen you up just as much.
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MThawg131 months
Besides the accidental injuries I can agree with this.
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LSU 318 LSU131 months
I think this is great
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