This is 6’4" 8th grader Kyree Walker. This kid, wow. He's doing things in 8th grade games that you don't see in college games. He will be in the high school class of 2020 and college class of 2024. (Please don't go to Kentucky, Michigan State, North Carolina, or Duke.) So, remember him now...

Way more here.
Filed Under: General Sports
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Corch Urban Myers100 months
Damn he looks 30.
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sostan100 months
Kid looks like he is 6'-6" when he's standing next to doors at the end of the second video.
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borderlineerotic100 months
He's like 19.
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lsusteve1100 months
If he's a legit 8th Grader (Age wise) then that's damn impressive
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dabigfella100 months
this kid is in 8th grade like calvin ridley was a 21 year old true freshman last year. Being a 17 year old 8th grader you can do stuff like that
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TexasAg13100 months
Honestly not that impressive. Comparable to LF striking the Heisman pose against SHSU
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