Favorite team:LSU 
Number of Posts:12610
Registered on:8/17/2013
Online Status:Not Online

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What a difference the last month has been but yes their payroll is retarded...
I feel bad for Coach but he’s been great. McAfee is to much of a try hard but doesn’t surprise me that espn brought him back. ...
I love watching the Yankees get the shite best out of them...
Gainesville dumpster fire. How Alabama looks post Saban Did Ole Miss buy a playoff team...
300m payroll and been on a nosedive the last month+...
Stick it up your arse Cole you smug mfer...
Are you searching for the videos? ...
Honestly I’d surprised if they go 5-7 this year. ...
[quote]lol at you thinking he gets invited to parties[/quote] I was thinking that maybe he at least got invited to family functions but you’re probably right...

re: Beware, The Bear is back...

Posted by Jenar Boy on 7/16/24 at 8:08 pm
Dude is gonna be a damn beast ...
I bet you’re the life of all the parties...
LSU scored less points...

re: Who's #s 7 and 18 this year?

Posted by Jenar Boy on 7/7/24 at 7:09 pm
[quote]#18 is going to be like Greg Penn or Major Burns.[/quote] Absolutely the frick not. ...
[quote]teams and players at this level will make the adjustments as they see him and as they scout him[/quote] I’m not saying he won’t get touched up a few times but the guy throws 100+ with movement, has a great change, & deadly splitter. They can scout & adjust all they want but at the end of t...
Would love to see the purple jersey more often...
Y’all are worse than fricking old arse women. STFU and grow a pair! Your vaginal secretions have stained up all of social media ...
[quote]Well he is a terrible guy, so....[/quote] Couldn’t have happened to a better bunch people. I’m still laughing at them. frick’em & everybody that looks like’em...
I bet their gay arse board and texags is burning white hot right now. :lol::lol::lol: ...

re: Schloss is a Liar

Posted by Jenar Boy on 6/25/24 at 6:48 pm
This is without a doubt the most Aggy thing ever. Little brother [img]https://media4.giphy.com/media/l4FB8FfpphPmxdTkA/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b952bcc4sm7aslalwbnvmcmls0ru00k9avwxylbfqheo&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g[/img]...