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re: More bad news for Disney World

Posted by PT24-7 on 2/5/25 at 10:29 pm
People are going to stop going woke now that the government isn’t paying them to…
This was the first one to pop into my mind. Maybe even the pirate
The way this is heading someone will know they’re cooked and try to just resign or leave before they get walked out in handcuffs. My only question is if it will be a dem or rino?

We are just in the uncovering phase, we haven’t even got into the snitching on each other stage yet. That will be glor

re: Four long years of losing

Posted by PT24-7 on 2/3/25 at 8:48 pm
I went a long time not even looking at this board bc it hurt too bad.

I prayed daily for 4 years for this country, but my faith wavered many times.

I’m pinching myself almost daily and can’t believe it.
Luke has been brainwashed by living in DC. It’s a shame bc his fight stuff is great, but over the years he’s turned into more of an activist and I can no longer listen.

Morning kombat used to keep me in tears but I haven’t listened in a year or so bc Luke went off the rails.
Start dropping them in the middle of the gulf of America and the border will secure itself

re: Just GFY

Posted by PT24-7 on 1/25/25 at 8:08 pm
It will hold if they’re in rut. Has nothing to do with temperature

re: 1/23 IST/ITB

Posted by PT24-7 on 1/23/25 at 7:37 am
I stayed at the camp, my son is hunting his 5th straight day for a 10pt. He’s been after him all season. Today it’s 20 degrees with snow still on the ground. Nothing has moved since it snowed. Has to be only a matter of time?

***1-22-25 IST***

Posted by PT24-7 on 1/22/25 at 5:55 am
5” snow
7 mph N wind
6.5 Grendel

Sitting in a box blind with son and heater rolling. Snow everywhere. Same stand my daughter killed her buck yesterday. After a big 10. Never thought I’d see this in a million years. I want a snow buck today. Good luck everyone

re: ***1-21-25 IST***

Posted by PT24-7 on 1/21/25 at 3:15 pm

Her and my son on their own. Proud dad

re: ***1-21-25 IST***

Posted by PT24-7 on 1/21/25 at 2:49 pm
Back at it this afternoon with my son. Already a small 8.

Refresher on how to post pictures?

re: ***1-21-25 IST***

Posted by PT24-7 on 1/21/25 at 10:22 am
We got it. Heart shot. Should it be good to hang for a couple days after gutting? High is 39 for 48 hours

re: ***1-21-25 IST***

Posted by PT24-7 on 1/21/25 at 8:33 am
Daughter shot at a nice buck. Going to give it an hour and go look

***1-21-25 IST***

Posted by PT24-7 on 1/21/25 at 6:06 am
10 mph N wind
Breakfast blend coffee

My 16 year old and 13 year old are hunting and I am not. I dropped them off this am and came back to the camp. I sat with them yesterday evening and we saw 5 bucks but the ones they’re after showed up at a different stand. Hoping they can kill on

re: Are Daniel defense ar 15s worth it?

Posted by PT24-7 on 1/4/25 at 3:35 pm

Took the boards advice and got 2 guns instead of a DD. Ended up with a cmmg with a bronze cerekote and a beretta a300 20g in a camo pattern.

re: Looking for my son's first rifle

Posted by PT24-7 on 1/3/25 at 7:39 am

257 WBY @ 14

I shoot a 257. What bullets do you shoot? Also what’s a good 257 to get for a 16 year old? I don’t want to pay as much for his as I did mine…

re: Are Daniel defense ar 15s worth it?

Posted by PT24-7 on 1/2/25 at 7:26 pm
Interesting. 1/2 the price for a better weapon sounds great

re: Looking for my son's first rifle

Posted by PT24-7 on 1/2/25 at 5:37 pm
My kids shot 223 77 gr at 5.

At 6 they shot ruger American ranch 300 blk out

At 10 they shot 6.5 Grendel

re: Are Daniel defense ar 15s worth it?

Posted by PT24-7 on 1/2/25 at 5:36 pm
I’m just thinking if I need a shtf ar is the dd the no brainer?

I don’t really need any of them but have $1k in gift cards and was going to put $1k with it

Are Daniel defense ar 15s worth it?

Posted by PT24-7 on 1/2/25 at 5:22 pm
I had several run of the mill ar15s (before losing them all in a boat accident).

They are all psa, Anderson, core, etc direct impingement guns besides 1 piston stag.

I was looking at a ddm4v7 today and wondered if they are noticeably better? Should I get one of those, a benelli ethos, a sbe3,