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Registered on:7/2/2013
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[quote]Sound forensics have proven with almost 100% accuracy that the first 3 shots came from inside the building.[/quote] missed this. Link? Is this talked about other than on this podcast? And is this the building they said was the staging area for LEO?...
[quote]keep the container level at all times.[/quote][quote]keeping it level at all times.[/quote] ok ok dude, godamn. ...

re: I have a new theory of Shooter Alpha

Posted by Logician on 7/21/24 at 11:25 am
[quote]The audio leaves me to believe[/quote] irregardless of the audio, for all intensive purposes this hole thing is an enigma wrapped in a riddle wrapped in a warm tortilla...
[quote]Contractor here. That is closer to a 3/12 than it is 1/12. Still not steep and very manageable but a 1/12 it is not.[/quote] Great image, and good idea. I took a different pic this time and superimposed your image of roof pitches over it. When I brought in the each image, I made sure not t...
I've seen a lot of you getting yards and feet mixed up when talking about sniper distances, so I wanted to make sure all the measurement-disabled among us are aware just how severely pitched this roof is. If this random X user is to be taken at his word, a 4.76 degree pitch = 8.3% which is nearly...
unfortunately with the huge upswing in momentum Trump gained from the assassination attempt, the only play the Dems have now--assuming they haven't just given up and expect to lose, which you know they won't give up--is to have Biden assassinated. it accomplishes all their goals. the top Dems wa...
[quote]And just for a couple hours at most? Yeah, this excuse is insane... and dishonest AF.[/quote] guys guys guys...she knows it's bullshite. it was done on purpose. she's compromised. she knows she's gone if trump wins, and everyone thinks he'll win, so it's a win-win scenario for her to get hi...
like i said yesterday, apologizing and owning fault is for private businesses and villianized white men. you'll never see the secret service or any government agency say sorry....
[quote]Clark14[/quote]queer ...
[quote]Fox News said the 45 million is specifically to be used for mail in and absentee voting[/quote] frick YES I hope that’s real...
and all it took was a 20 yr old queer from PA and a compromised secret service...
a government agency will absolutely never admit fault, especially one headed up by a DEI woman. she'll go before congress, admit nothing, take the 5th, and go back to her job until trump wins and fires her. admitting fault and accepting responsibility is reserved for private businesses and villai...
“Maybe I’ve been on the wrong side this whole time, and this party I vote for are insane queers and trump isn’t actually hitler…? Naahh, the tv wouldn’t lie to me like that. Let’s make another TikTok!”...

re: Anybody know who this woman is?

Posted by Logician on 7/14/24 at 9:53 pm
Stupid of the TikTok queer to call out an innocent person with no proof of anything, and stupid of you to promote it ...
The FBI needs to erase all their texts and discord chats to the incel. I’m sure the kid was into bomb making all on his own and gathered bomb making materials completely by himself without his parents noticing anything strange. ...
Sorry didn’t read OP well enough [quote]However, there’s also this photo that is supposedly showing the dead shooter on the roof with his gun[/quote] that’s probably not him and his gun, if it is, it’s much later after LEO got up there. ...

re: Lee Harvey Oswald’s shot distance

Posted by Logician on 7/14/24 at 5:51 pm
[quote]Don’t be ashamed of your cargo shorts brah.[/quote] they say you can’t get a handy in cargo shorts, but I’m here to tell you that I’ve never gotten one. ...
[quote]The Republican House are forming a committee[/quote] oh good, a committee! so she can show up and plead the fifth to every question, then go back to her job. that’ll show her. keep tightening those screws, republicans. ...

re: Lee Harvey Oswald’s shot distance

Posted by Logician on 7/14/24 at 2:40 pm
[quote]There is lots of evidence that JFK was shot from the front btw.[/quote] there was an "independent" auditory analysis done regarding the shots fired and how the sound ricocheted off buildings. Congress was very upset that this finding suggested there were other shots fired that the Warren Comm...