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Location:The banks of the Ashley River
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re: FBD - Gumbo weather?

Posted by Chucktown_Badger on 7/26/24 at 7:04 pm
3BD EO Munichorn. Honoring the memory of a friend tonight who passed away suddenly and tragically earlier this week. 42 with a wife and two small kids, otherwise healthy. Massive heart attack with a 98% blockage. It doesn’t make sense. Funeral was today. Sherron Moore sent a video to be played at th...

re: FBD - Gumbo weather?

Posted by Chucktown_Badger on 7/26/24 at 6:59 pm
2BD was a tropicalia after a pickleback shot [img]https://i.postimg.cc/268Vz3W8/IMG-3591.jpg[/img]...

re: FBD - Gumbo weather?

Posted by Chucktown_Badger on 7/26/24 at 6:53 pm
FBD was an Edmund’s oast Abider on the walk to salty Mike’s [img]https://i.postimg.cc/vHntVS1F/IMG-3589.jpg[/img]...
[quote]That’s it?[/quote] no fireworks show that starts with a wick that takes 15 minutes to burn down?...
If Norway ever gets the Olympics I bet they still find a black woman to light the flame....
I feel like I'm in an episode of Olympics Severance. Where my Olympics self only knows and experiences monotonous opening ceremony in perpetuity....
This is fricking brutal. But I can't turn it off....
[quote]Could you imagine the complete meltdown if we let 4 non Americans light the flame in LA?[/quote] You'll probably get to see it. ...
Wait so now we've gotta wait for that boat to go all the goddamn way back, the same ground the effing robot horse just covered? It's about to get awkward. They're gonna be filling time here....
What was that "heyyyyyy, oontz oontz oontz"? :lol:...
[quote]Also, I'm pretty sure there are several condo buildings 10 stories or higher being built in Gulf Shores & Orange Beach currently. Map does not include those.[/quote] It's only MSAs over 500k....
Chicago and California...yikes....
[quote]Do they have the flag upside down?[/quote] Yes. DEI flag clipper inners. :banghead:...
Did they put the fricking flag on upside down? And someone was all "turn off the goddamn blowers, the fricking flag is upside down!" :lol:...
So apparently nothing in this opening ceremony has any semblance of pace....
GOOD LORD.... [img]https://media4.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExZ3Fwdml6NmdhdGxlbG80YXhncTl2OXlmeXJqa2RuNXNkb29lMmdibCZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/4PvmF62Tl3KLe/200.webp[/img]...
Jesus H this broadcast is terrible....
[quote]Imagine is one of the most overrated, overplayed songs of all time.[/quote] I never realized it, but it's basically the anthem of the globalists... [quote]Imagine there's no countries It isn't hard to do Nothing to kill or die for And no religion, too Imagine all the people Livin...
[quote]That would get vandalized so heckin fast in Portland [/quote] Why you baws hate EVs baw? That's fascist and shite....
[quote]Your stances in these threads just are always confusing. Because you're a renter in one of the worst valued markets in the south acting like the old posters who own their homes and had access to quality small/starter homes 40 years ago.[/quote] I owned for 12 years in Chicago before I move...