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re: WSJ Poll - Harris tied with Trump

Posted by Bama Bird on 7/26/24 at 6:17 pm
[quote]Trump picks terrible people to work with. This is on him. [/quote] Same poll [img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GTcaa9JawAAXO2V?format=jpg&name=medium[/img]...

re: CFB graduation rates since 2016

Posted by Bama Bird on 7/26/24 at 1:28 pm
[quote]I would assume that's because they're going pro. [/quote] And they're not at Alabama, Clemson, etc.?...
[b]Fried Chicken[/b] Chicken Fried Steak/Venison Mashed Potatoes with white gravy [b]Pulled pork[/b] [b]BBQ Ribs[/b] Red Beans and Rice Jambalaya [b]Fried okra[/b] [b]Catfish[/b] Fried pork chops [b]Gumbo[/b] Southern baked mac and cheese Homemade ice cream [b]Sweet tea[/b] ...
We need to bring wisdom back to politics. We haven't really had it since Eisenhower. You can't have a functioning government when everyone is constantly terrified of "media backlash"...
[quote]I have seen multiple polls showing even distribution to RFK from the two parties, or even some polls were Trump loses a net point when you deduct for RFK. [/quote] I've seen it too. Based on Trump's voter share actually increasing since Kamala, it seems like her votes are largely RFK/Ste...
[quote]Ron Paul was the right pick. The deep state damn sure wouldn't kill Trump with Dr. Paul on deck. [/quote] Ron Paul is 88 :lol:...

re: Post Joe Drop Out Polls

Posted by Bama Bird on 7/26/24 at 10:18 am
[quote]What is up with New England Americans being such retards? [/quote] Lack of big state schools, abundance of liberal arts colleges, lack of diversity, lack of major problems, etc. People generally see their local environment and assume it's like that everywhere. It's why Californians beli...

re: EA Sports CFB 2025....

Posted by Bama Bird on 7/25/24 at 2:05 pm
Auburn won the SEC :lol:...
Doesn't surprise me. Social media has absolutely shot people's expectations of what they "should" have. Instead of keeping up with the Joneses, people are trying to keep up with millionaire e-thots ...
As pieces of music go, I think LSU and Texas are the best. Well orchestrated, well structured, interesting harmony, etc. I'd throw Arkansas in the same category GA Tech, Michigan and Notre Dame are in honorable mention as being iconic...
I was 10 iirc and at my cousin's birthday party. We were all playing laser tag and it was pitch black of course. I was coming slowly around a corner with my gun out and this dumbass girl ran right into it at full speed. We were all warned against running beforehand and I literally did nothing wro...
[link=(https://brave.com/download/)]Use Brave[/link] Best browser I've ever used...

re: New Swing state polls

Posted by Bama Bird on 7/25/24 at 9:13 am
Trump's share in every state but Wisconsin has actually increased from the last, 7/18 Biden poll :lol: Kamala has brought back a few undecideds but hasn't actually taken any votes from Trump Comparison with 7/18 vs Biden: Michigan- Trump+1 Pennsylvania- Even Georgia- Trump+1 Arizona- Trump...

re: Disappointed in Trump team...

Posted by Bama Bird on 7/24/24 at 9:08 pm
They started running ads on Kamala the day after she was endorsed by Biden. Trump has spent $52 million on ads this month...
Damn that brought back some really cringey memories of bombing job interviews...

re: Burn that shite! Burn that shite!

Posted by Bama Bird on 7/24/24 at 2:57 pm
[quote]I pray this happens at the DNC in Chicago, that would be glorious [/quote] Oh it's definitely happening. They've tried to run away from this issue they've created but it'll come to a head there...

re: Burn that shite! Burn that shite!

Posted by Bama Bird on 7/24/24 at 2:56 pm
This is Union Station fwiw- Capitol is completely blocked off...
[b]Fried Chicken[/b] versus... Potato Salad [b]Pecan Pie[/b] versus... Chicken fried steak or venison [b]Peach cobbler[/b] versus... Mashed potatoes with white gravy [b]Pulled pork[/b] versus... Po Boys (shrimp/sausage/etc) [b]BBQ ribs[/b] versus... Banana pudding Red beans and r...
[quote]Twice-yearly shots[/quote] [quote]Lenacapavir [/quote] This isn't a vaccine- this is just PrEP with less frequent dosing than Apretude...