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Registered on:2/1/2013
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Not real, but still funny [embed]https://youtu.be/WPkMUU9tUqk?si=UlkZadT9pYibCiHf[/embed]...
[quote]AD[/quote] I knew a pale, big-tittied, blue eyed redhead when I was in the Army. She was sexy as hell. ...
[quote]never hear what I’m saying. [/quote] They hear you. They just don’t give a shite because you’re not saying what they want you to. I called Optimum last week cause, shocker, our internet sucks. I had to yell Customer Service at the robot 10 times before it finally put me through to a rea...
[quote][img]https://i.postimg.cc/Jhrw9kPs/Fine6.jpg[/img][/quote] Holy slim and massively stacked!...
[quote]Wasn’t there a gif of #5 dancing in the backseat (in that top) a few years back? It was mighty nice if I recall correctly.[/quote] [img]https://i.makeagif.com/media/8-22-2015/nE78q_.gif[/img] ...
[quote]But a pet peeve of mine is in the title. Shouldn’t the abbreviation come after the complete statement?[/quote] Did people say “I have the Corona Virus Disease.” Or Did they say “I have COVID.”...
[img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CrnzOAaVIAAFO0V.jpg[/img] [img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CrMAdcuUsAA4kLa.jpg[/img] [img]https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTO5Ix-v0bw3-UVGY8mB6oSbjO19G4QQQmgnQ&usqp=CAU[/img] [img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/C8LOfeNVYAAUjKp.jpg[/img] ...
[quote]:babe:[/quote] [img]https://kunstlershaus.wordpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/hot-cleavage-flbp-busty-142.jpg?w=500[/img] [img]https://atto.scrolller.com/flbp-dwr7c4ysro-600x639.jpg[/img] [img]https://nano.scrolller.com/flbp-culq3wlhgh-600x737.jpg[/img] [img]https://atto.scro...
[quote]I had no idea she was still alive. Isn't it ironic?[/quote] Don’t you think?...
She’s an odd combination of being beautiful but not sexy. ...
Katrina was real. Covid/BLM was man made. ...
[quote]middle school's graduation[/quote] And Elementary school graduation are 2 of the dumbest things that over privileged white people have created in the last 25 years. ...
[quote]What is OTs opinion of White's Boots?[/quote] You asking about boots that are the color white or boots that belong to someone named White?...
[quote]Another of her Facebook accounts. Why do trashy people always have multiple Facebook accounts?[/quote] My dipshit brother in law has like 3-4. He gets busted for possession and thrown in jail a year or so. Gets out and gets so high that he forgets his password so he just makes a new accoun...
[quote]Does this happen as much as we think it does? It’s a comforting thought, but it’s not something we hear about actually happening frequently. I don’t have an “in” with DOC/prisoners to know.[/quote] When I was in the Army I knew someone that was stationed at the Prison at Fort Leavenworth. ...

re: Bio pic you'd like to see

Posted by carhartt on 6/14/24 at 12:21 pm
Stevie Ray Vaughan...

re: These girls look fun

Posted by carhartt on 6/14/24 at 12:15 pm
Take the money and find someone that’s not shallow as shite and materialistic. ...
Depends on which way you’re coming from and if you want to stop before or after Jackson. ...
Good, the best of both worlds. I really don’t understand how he was able to walk into the Police Station. He should have had a few “accidents” while they were pursuing him. Drag his arse out of the woods with a broken leg and busted up face. ...
I’m torn whether this dude should get life or the death penalty. 1. He deserves to die the exact same way he killed that little girl. But 2. He would get the shite beat out of him on a daily basis if he got life and was put in General Population. ...