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[quote]No it's not, dumb arse. It's one of the functions, but it's not the primary reason.[/quote]It is literally the sole evolutionary reason relationships have evolved. No species which engages in monogamous relationships saw those relationships develop for any reason other than improved child rear...
[quote]See, this is exactly why Vance is a shite candidate. We're really gonna be spending days talking about Vance insulting childless women instead of attacking Harris.[/quote]There is a major segment of the Democratic Party who truly believes it is wrong to have children because it will contribut...
Kamala is exactly who the donor class wants. She doesn’t have a principled bone in her body and will give away the entire bank for a chance at power. This is who they always wanted. They just had a way to get around those pesky voters ...

re: Such a nice couple on the beach

Posted by funnystuff on 7/25/24 at 3:43 pm
It’s generally not a good idea to adopt the worst aspects of your enemies...
Go to confession. You’ll feel better...
It’s almost starting to feel like there’s a transsexual movement comprised of 4chan OGs committing way beyond anyone’s imagination to a really wild larp. That’s the level of absurdity this looks like...
And his kicking and screaming delayed the democratic process to the point that voters got literally no say in who represents them while donors got their handpicked puppet...
She’s going to be a donor’s dream…. She’s about to offer every interest group in the country everything they want...
That age demographic is hardcore anti Israel. Kamala has given occasional legitimacy to the Palestinian cause. It’s not surprising she’s polling well with them....
Someone can be more qualified than a geriatric while still being less qualified than is deserving of the office. That’s not hard logic....
Dude, it’s insulin. This is a loosing battle. Pharmaceuticals are not close to being a free market, that’s not the hill you want to die on...
I think that’s a solution I could get on board with...
Well… that’s a very selfish way to live. I encourage you to consider the possibility that a mindset of searching for joint truth with others is a more fulfilling way to live than deriving joy from the admonishment of others. Offered with as little judgement as I can, and meant as a genuine pi...
That’s because you haven’t presented them a compelling argument. Stop chastising people who don’t agree with you and make better arguments....
No defense of the OP, because he’s making a fool of himself in this thread (sorry OP, you’re not winning this one) But do note that he also asked how we feel about free market capitalism. I believe I made some valid arguments about concerns of an overly unregulated market in the light of modern...
[quote]Uber does not charge a wealthy L.A. resident more than it charges a working class resident from the same area[/quote]But they do charge an individual with a 2% battery charge more than an individual than a 20% charge. And these are VERY early days of this tech. They will expand this mind...
Uber already does it. People still use Uber The restaurant industry is a bad one for those advocating regulation to argue on… there is possibly no market with more competition, and competition can guide restaurants to be forced into rejecting this technology. I’m not worried about this tech in re...
[quote]The only time govt should interfere is if there is too little competition (via collusion, artificial supply/demand, fraud, monopoly, etc), or a danger to consumers.[/quote]There’s a potential application of artificial intelligence in which our markets are exponentially more vulnerable to all ...