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Location:Wishing I was back in NC
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Registered on:11/25/2012
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Aren't both owned by TKO? Or is TKO just WWE and UFC? For some reason I thought they also had some boxing as well....
I did not care for that booking. I would have preferred Bloodline start as the first team and Fatu just keep refusing to stay down and they win. ...
Serviceable? This was edited by Stephen Mirrione. He's won 11 awards over the course of his career. Was this as good as his work with Traffic, Babel, or Birdman? No, but it is still top 5 of his career. ...
For 60+ years? Really? What's next, the Red Scare was actual liberals hunting right wing people and forcing them out of Hollywood? I mean it's not like George Bush Sr didn't take offense to the Simpsons for being satire of the average American family when so many other shows had portrayed the t...
Man times like this make me miss living in Massachusetts. We had the Mendon Drive In that did double features. Granted they have Deadpool and Twisters split between their two screens. But Deadpool is still paired with Long legs, so not bad for $35 per car. Wife and I would pop the back up, fold ...
I'm interested to see what the weekend totals end up being and if it has any legs or not. ...
The people opposing this already post on the PT board. But they know they can't troll there like they can here. Censorship is an easy word to throw around to make it seem like they are being victimized....
I dunno the sound design and lighting wasn't anything to write home about. I would have to look to see how many films the companies had worked on before this project....
What people think they post: Well I certainly don't agree with this, and I feel Star Wars is not to appropriate vehicle to spread this message. What they actual post: GAY! Woke! Liberals ruin Star Wars again! I mean we're all looking at the same barn here. I don't understand how some pe...
The people opposing this need to lump everyone together because otherwise they have to recognize that there is different opinions and beliefs rather than the black and white world they live in. Everyone who doesn't agree with them is out to get them. They are the ones making life hard. Has to be....
Point me to the threads where any time the subject of women or minorities was kept a civil and respected conversation. It doesn't happen. People refused to play nice and Chicken responded with action and now those people are acting surprised like they never expected to actually have any conseq...
I know it doesn't count but this always makes me think of the Dick Van Dyke show since the pilot had a different cast originally. I've watched the original pilot and man the show is so different even if the plot is the same....
Yeah seriously. You already stopped the truck. It would take a few minutes to set it up and then you get the data needed for better advancement. I'm sure if you polled the people there they would have preferred you get the data to help them more in the long run rather than hand them a bottle ...
He should pay some dudes? The guy paying all the cost of maintaining this site should spend more so people can spam threads with "woke" and "pedo"? I wasn't aware Chicken owed any of the posters on this site anything. I had always been under the impression Chicken was allowed to dictate how thi...
I may have missed it, but why exactly was the rich land developer the bad guy again? I know they said "he takes advantage of people at their lowest" but was he low balling people badly or strong-arming them out of their land? It seemed like the dude was buying their property rather than making the...
[quote]In our present situation you have two groups who want censorship. Group 1 is are movie fans that are tired of having to trudge through all the bullshite to discuss a movie. Group 2 are the disney defenders that dont like when people point out disneys very obvious agenda[/quote] How is it ce...
Pot meet kettle? Because right now I see far right people making everything political while blaming the left for originally making it political while people near the middle just want to shoot the shite on a message board. The main people kicking and screaming here are the ones wanting to keep p...

re: Pitch Meeting : The Acolyte.

Posted by ThoseGuys on 7/26/24 at 1:06 pm
Man Ryan George is one of the best YT content creators going right now. His Pitch Meeting series plus his skits are top tier. I really liked his one recently about identity theft for dogs....
It is social, but when it gets brought up, it always devolves into buzzword crap. I would love to have discussions on some of these issues with people in a respectable manner. But it never fails it goes like this: Of course they race swapped the main character to black! You know what they are ...
If you think every social issues can only be discussed political, than you have zero critical thinking skills. Way too many threads devolve into the broad brush stroke of "woke" without any real discussion. And if you do want to discuss the politics of media, you can. On the forum designed fo...