Favorite team:Southeastern LA 
Location:viewing the fall....
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Registered on:11/19/2012
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Impeachment would be the loudest guilty plea in history.

re: 14 to 16 team playoff is coming

Posted by High C on 2/17/25 at 6:52 am

that may fetch millions in additional revenue from TV partners


That’s all you need to know.

re: Mid-late 90’s..

Posted by High C on 2/16/25 at 7:48 pm
Suede and Placebo are my grabs from that era. Pure androgyny, and the lyrics spell it out, but the songs were so good.
The ones I see that have lost a lot of weight because of the shot also seem to have lost any muscle tone. They seem to have turned into bags of bones.

re: Only way to be “One nation”

Posted by High C on 2/16/25 at 2:04 pm

Respectfully, the self-proclaimed conservatives of this board are applauding the president’s many overreaching executive orders.

Out of curiosity, which things that he’s done do you consider overreach?

Great Value Jap chips kettle cooked are good IMO.

Yep. I haven’t had Miss Vickie’s, but the Great Value kettle cooked jalapeño are just as good, if not better, than Zapp’s.

re: Only way to be “One nation”

Posted by High C on 2/16/25 at 1:25 pm

The federal government should be about national defense, international relationships and few other big items.

Hmmmm, where have I seen/heard this before?
Trump and Putin: “Through very constructive deliberations and negotiations, Russia has agreed to an immediate, peaceful withdrawal from Ukraine.”



I won't be eating chicken eggs then..these frickers are gonna get this shite in us no matter what they have to do to achieve it.

Yard eggs from friends and neighbors.

Nothing more than attempt at self preservation. They simply are surrendering for the time being, by suspending their Marxist objectives. Make no mistake, they will do it again if that organization is still standing when democrats get in the white house again.

All of this. Kill it w
Fret for your figure and
Fret for your latte and
Fret for your lawsuit and
Fret for your hairpiece and
Fret for your Prozac

ETA: I post this as a person who has been on a Prozac/Xanax cocktail for 25+ years. The Xanax likely prevented my suicide. The positive effects of the Prozac have been

In some cases they may (may) have been over -prescribed, but that’s on the individual physician.

May (may)? When your local nurse practitioner can hand any slapdick that walks through the door a Zoloft prescription because they had a rough week, the “may” is eliminated.

Between our two countries, we have certainly been the more disrespectful one recently.

Countries around the world have suckled at the American teat for decades. But no, we’re the disrespectful ones.

504 and mainstreaming have been a disaster

I would argue that more than half of 504 diagnoses are not legitimate. In my 30 years of experience, all that accommodations teach those students is learned helplessness.

re: Idea to spice baseball up

Posted by High C on 2/15/25 at 4:11 pm

I suggest the pitcher's mound be replaced with a platform that slowly moves side to side.

So, you want to see batters getting drilled left and right by 95+ mph pitches because it would be more “entertaining” for you?

How do you people not just lose your shite when the NPC’s you work with go full retard?

Luckily I teach in a rural, mainly conservative district. There may be two teachers on our entire staff who fit your description, and you can believe that they keep their mouths shut about it.

show me in constitution where that is called out as beyond the power of the executive branch

Are you asking Hamilton or Jefferson/Madison? That’s the crux of the whole argument.

Personally, I love watching the Democrats sweat and dance like they’re on hot coals because the deca

I am a teacher and I don't need a raise to support the elimination of the DOE

As am I. Federal DOE is no different than other federal departments that are wasting billions. In my opinion, they are damaging education by forcing states to implement ridiculous policies in return for f

re: Gambling + Stats

Posted by High C on 2/15/25 at 2:55 pm

Damn, I have a friend who bets $100 to $1000 and I just can't stomach it ?? Losing a 1k bet would make me feel weird even though I could afford it at the moment.

Yep, $3 unit here. “For entertainment purposes only”