Favorite team:LSU 
Number of Posts:226
Registered on:11/13/2012
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Mine went from 85 to 40. About cried when I saw it in the loading screen haha...
I can't seem to buy a win right now. Just had a team to decide to push out while we have no inhibs and supers were storming the base. I tried to clear as much as I could by myself while begging them to come to base. No, they just had to team fight and get wrecked. :lol: Hysterical ...
:lol: that is amazing...
It's funny how LAN servers are in Florida -.-...
Oh of course! Gank my mid lane, do 99% damage and give me the kill, don't even think about taking MY blue dirty jungler! Kidding of course :lol:...
TSM will be starting WildTurtle today...
[link=(https://twitter.com/LoLEsportspedia/status/613059865154572292?s=09)]LINK[/link] Apparently Liquid Keith is trying out for ADC for TSM....
Game of the split right there boys....
:lol: add to that random lag spikes as I was going in for kills on my lane opponent. It was vs Lissandra and I don't know how playing her top is....
I tried Irelia top for the first time. Didn't really know what I was doing. Was learning as I was going and pulled off an 11/5/5 game....

re: Official League of Legends Thread

Posted by atigersroar on 6/15/15 at 10:47 pm
[quote]BaddestAndvari[/quote] I see you're loving Nautilus as much as me this week haha...

re: Official League of Legends Thread

Posted by atigersroar on 6/14/15 at 11:09 am
So I just found out how fun Lux is...
Maybe this is a sign I should finish New Vegas...
Dignitas go from not taking a tower one game, to not letting the other team take one the next. Talk about bipolar...

re: Skyrim: werewolves vs vampires

Posted by atigersroar on 5/25/15 at 6:50 pm
[quote]Rebel Land Shark[/quote] I agree, werewolves because of this...
We still have five spots open for fantasy LCS! [link=(http://fantasy.lolesports.com/share/join/league/783244/1G6MFxoabc6YSV1BmnQL)]LINK[/link]...

re: Official League of Legends Thread

Posted by atigersroar on 5/22/15 at 10:29 am
I've been only playing a month or so and never played a MOBA either. I find it really easy to get into. Tons of new people as well....