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Registered on:11/11/2012
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[quote]had no doubts earlier this week we’d end up in the dry side of this bitch. [/quote] That’ll piss you off this time of year. ...
He was quoting Sotomayor. So in this case it was totally normal. ...

re: Well, that was quick

Posted by Mohican on 7/1/24 at 6:53 pm
Basically the executive branch coming out and saying the judicial branch is illegitimate. Unprecedented from a sitting president. ...
They’re going to start a civil war. Wow. ...

re: Christie Sides is a horrible coach

Posted by Mohican on 6/30/24 at 7:39 pm
[quote]Literally kept Clark from becoming the first ever rookie to get a triple double, she was one rebound away. Jesus [/quote] Pulled her out when Phoenix had to throw up Hail Marys and she for sure would’ve gotten it. ...
The golf exchange was fantastic. "I've seen your swing. I know your swing." Straight out of Grumpy Old Men. ...
I know one thing. The Left is like zombies. They will keep coming even long after you thought they’re dead. Like Communism. You’ve got to never let your guard down. ...
That was excruciating. Congrats Vols. ...
Aggies bout to win this. ...
Pirate was dealing. ...
[quote]Can we get the two ladies licking their ice cream while we’re working on the gifs? That was incredible[/quote] [img]https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fmedia1.tenor.com%2Fimages%2Fca3432a2b22eb7f1b81e0622a0b5f4f3%2Ftenor.gif%3Fitemid%3D8205102&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=78150...
Gonna have a ballgame in the 9th. Vitello got cocky putting in a decent high schooler. ...

re: I am in love with Tony Vitello

Posted by Mohican on 6/24/24 at 8:47 pm
Him winning a natty is proof there is no god. ...
Yea that might do it. ...
Big defensive play. Not over. 6 outs for the Vols. Hardest 6 outs of the year. ...
Way to get the new pitcher out of a high pressure situation. I just don’t get it. ...
Great ab by Burke there on a guy struggling to throw strikes. ...
Drew Beam single-handedly keeping Tennessee alive. ...