Favorite team:Texas A&M 
Number of Posts:5433
Registered on:11/10/2012
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re: Day Trip from Seville?

Posted by fareplay on 1/27/25 at 2:09 pm
I love Seville, 2 days is enough if you cram everything but there’s a lot of walking so depends on how much energy you have
Cutting costs but not taxes is a scam

Any car salesmen here?

Posted by fareplay on 1/21/25 at 12:38 pm
What’s the % markup on your cars? Need to negotiate one for my dad and don’t want to be ripped off. Would dealerships sell at break even to move inventory?
Too many baws and bawdettes telling their lil baws at home to hate on different groups
I love some Cajun boil but tbh you really just tasting seasoning. Throw anything on there it’s good, no need to waste king crab
Bought my peleton for $500
“Used mattress is a good deal”

“Provide text of me purchasing used mattress”

“Fake news”
I never fake what I say here and have all proof. You on the other hand…
I have my receipts, where’s yalls

Issue with OT is too many people fake their lives. Here’s my proof, queen mattress for my third room
They aren’t really worn. It’s mostly mattress people took home and didn’t like but can’t return
Yep, no regrets did it before. This is my third time
This, with new stuff being questionable quality, I like looking at options used
Smoked some bbq wings Saturday, mind blowing delicious. Best $400 I’ve spent
Ever stay at a hotel? Same thing baw just use new sheets

What are the best bang for buck used?

Posted by fareplay on 1/13/25 at 11:03 am
Used cars were so reasonable 5+ years ago but now anything reliable barely depreciates.

1. Mattress. Bought my purple premier hybrid (3k retail) gently used for $700
2. Cribs/ baby stuff - used for few months at 70%+ discounts
3. Smokers / outdoor bbq stuff - people normally move and can’t ha
If so, why? TurboTax not enough?
Heated seats during summer, cooled seats during winter
The value of the home in that area isn’t the house but the land my brother
Bro what do you want them to do when a cat 5 hits?