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Location:Calgary, AB
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Registered on:10/18/2012
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I miss George Clooneys good movies...
[quote]Openly mocking Christianity by replacing Jesus and his disciples at a scene of the last supper with transvestites.[/quote] Wait until you hear about what the French did to the church during their revolution....
They surrendered the torch to Spain...
[quote]That said - easily the best opening ceremony any of us will see in our lifetime.[/quote] Los Angeles is going to rock, lets be real...
Nice of NBC to cut this segment up with ads...
[quote]Why is everything so effeminate now?[/quote] We're talking about the French...
I love how they are still proud of the beheading 230 years later :lol: awesome...
[quote]If the French had balls t[/quote] I mean, they just had headless Marie Antoinette singing as a transition into death metal...
[img]https://i.guim.co.uk/img/media/f02d99c0c61e788e3b293f24b7c0872233e70252/0_23_2640_1584/master/2640.jpg?width=620&quality=85&auto=format&fit=max&s=19d15be356d8504c1772e06c728df81b[/img] Zidane needs to go visit the organizing committee....
Wtf, why is Lady Gaga performing? She's from New York lmao...
It's on live right now if you don't want to wait for tonight. They're starting with the Parade of Nations first. It isn't in the stadium but on boats. It sucks to be honest....
[quote]I can afford one.[/quote] [quote]wanna be in a better down payment position.[/quote] Your stances in these threads just are always confusing. Because you're a renter in one of the worst valued markets in the south acting like the old posters who own their homes and had access to qualit...
[quote]quote: Because the people who start these threads will always pick the most expensive areas, and then use that to claim that all housing in all areas of the country is unattainable. It's disingenuous at best. [quote]So you have a frick you, I got mine attitude[/quote].[/quote] Chuckto...

re: Disney slashing prices

Posted by GetCocky11 on 7/25/24 at 7:43 am
[quote]They got greedy[/quote] People are hitting their limits in this “best economy of our lives”...
[quote]Not to hijack but why is everything un-alive now?[/quote] It tells you who watches too much TikTok. It’s horrible....
[quote]Rodney Scott BBQ[/quote] Mediocre ...
The whole "abandoning your family" thing is my biggest gripe with the movie. A real POS move. Otherwise, I love it....
[quote]maybe it’s acid[/quote] Ah yes, the typical pot of boiling acid. Little did the cops know, they were walking into the evil lair from the latest Batman comic!...
[quote]It appears that she ducked down and wanted to ambush him as he was rounding the corner.[/quote] You watch too many movies....