Favorite team:Alabama 
Biography:Des Moines, IA
Number of Posts:10861
Registered on:10/16/2012
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[quote] Probably could have had more, but walked away to go drive in a different series.[/quote] JJ wasn’t winning any more championships. :lol:...

re: Getting ridiculous in Houston

Posted by Yellerhammer5 on 7/16/24 at 11:05 am
[quote]Fentanyl-laced water, huh?[/quote] Like catching an STD from a toilet seat. :lol:...
[quote]Deer hunters don't use ARs[/quote] Tell that to a lot of dead deer. ...
[quote]Inside of 6” from the target?[/quote] So….deer hunting? 400 feet is a chipshot if you have good equipment and practice. Although a moving head would not be the target of choice. ...
Needing to renew vows seems like it’s defeating the purpose of a vow in the first place. ...
Imagine how many men fell to their deaths to have enough attempts in order to have multiple survivors. ...

re: Anybody here play chess?

Posted by Yellerhammer5 on 6/12/24 at 11:38 am
Not that well. I’m like a 1300 elo on chess.com. I wish I played more seriously as a child. ...
[quote]It's a "requirement" to sign up, but not all do. This would be much more "inclusive".[/quote] I thought I remember having to show proof of registering in order to enroll in college, but maybe I’m misremembering. Edit: it was to be eligible for financial aid. ...
Morse code is a lot of fun. I could never get much above 20 wpm for receiving, even less if they’re using a bug. ...
I think sears wants to go to the final 4. ...

re: 1000 feet up...who's in?

Posted by Yellerhammer5 on 3/29/24 at 12:20 pm
If I was doing that type of work and depending on a harness every day, there’s no way I’d be rocking a beer gut. ...
[quote]A NP with 20 years under their belt actual practice is going to be more qualified than an MD with let's say 5 years or less of experience. In medicine experience is king.[/quote] An MD that is 5 years out of residency is about the peak of quality medical care. They still remember the rare...
It’s about as good as a movie is going to get in 2024. I’d say it was adequately hyped. ...
[quote]what makes you think they're poor?[/quote] The fact that they’re paying with my money. ...
[quote]Run into women who are "too busy" to text back? Where you only get a message every few days?[/quote] Unfortunately, that just means they’re too busy texting the guys they are interested in. Women will drop everything and go anywhere for the man they really want. ...