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Location:Cajun Navy Vice Admiral
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Registered on:10/4/2012
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re: New Lab OZ.1 Putter Prototype

Posted by JohnnyKilroy on 9/18/24 at 3:21 pm
[quote]That’s a lot of adjustable weighting [/quote] only for LAB. The customer is not supposed to touch the weights. ...
[quote]Any kind of movement into Lebanon is an all out war, but I don't think Israel would shy away from that given their history.[/quote] Seems like a move that immediately precedes warheads on foreheads. If it's not, why use up this opportunity to knock out comms? ...
[quote]I don't know. If I just watched a couple thousand of my terrorist homies get their dicks blown off by exploding pagers, I'd be scared to make any kind of move. I'd probably hang up the ole jihad for good at that point. Become a farmer or something. [/quote] No he's asking is ISRAEL will b...
[quote]I’m pretty sure it’s just lights, but I have no insider knowledge obviously. [/quote] Its trackmans too. I talked to the lady in the pro shop and she said its lights and "something so you can see where your ball goes or something"...
wack. I was looking forward to trying them out at city park. a large bucket is probably going to be 20 bucks now lmao. ...
You seem to be misinterpreting the guy in OP. No one has said or inferred that it is bad for a company to make money, or to want to make money in business. The problem comes in when your only motivation is to make money. As has been shown countless times, companies that shift away from delivery ...
What doesn't work about it? Just doesn't pick up enough shots? Shot data obviously inaccurate? ...
[quote]There's no issue with this[/quote] There is a huge issue with this. Read the entire quote. [quote]B[b]ut the idea that it is bad is to make money galls me[/b]. That isn't some mic drop moment. The reporter seems to think it is; maybe the speaker.[/quote] Read the quote. ...
[quote]TL:DR: MBAs and finance bros are ruining the world as they aren't as smart as they think they are only GAF about this quarter's profits and have no vision or technical knowledge. [/quote] There's probably 500 examples in just the past couple of decades of solid, maybe even prominent mul...
[quote]I’m sure there more context to this quote, but….yea, that’s kind of the point.[/quote] I work with tons of small business owners and developers. The one’s who are in it simply to make money over and above providing a product or service that is needed or desirable are the least successful o...
You look at td on your work laptop?...
[quote]This has my curiosity… [/quote] Manufacturers have found out that you can just double or triple the price and sell to half the people and make more money. Not all that long ago, the mid-tier Ferrari was in the low 200s msrp. Now it's like 550k before options. Base 911s are approac...
[quote]This is so far off the mark that it barely deserves a reply. You're making the case that we are on an upward trend of being the world's manufacturing superpower? China almost doubles us, and our "control of what the world needs" is dropping by the day. If this isn't a boomer take then I...

re: The golf woes

Posted by JohnnyKilroy on 9/16/24 at 1:57 pm
[quote]I don't even talk a lot of trash to buddies that sometimes do because it can come and go like that. Manage your highs and lows. Never get too cocky/confident, and weather the storm when it's not good. [/quote] I feel like if I played with my buddies today they'd wonder if I had got some s...

re: Kid vs Soy HOA President

Posted by JohnnyKilroy on 9/16/24 at 10:29 am
[quote]But, where are the parents? This guy comes after your kid on your property and parents are MIA? [/quote] Uhhh his dad is the main character in the video. ...

re: The golf woes

Posted by JohnnyKilroy on 9/16/24 at 10:25 am
I was in excellent (for me) form about a year ago. I've played a ton and beaten probably thousands of balls at the range and my swing feels horrible now. Probably the most inconsistent striking I've had since I started playing golf. Even when I get the exact result I'm looking for in flight and dist...
[quote]Women and soft men would think so, as you have zero self confidence. [/quote] Unlike you, I have women and children in my intact nuclear family so I have to consider the environment they are in. ...
[quote]last frickign person we should be taking advice on how to parent in a godly way is from someone who got off on allowing other guys to plow his wife.[/quote] Damn so Fat Bastard was on to something huh...
[quote]I dont give a damn about the shitheads living around me if I can defend myself. [/quote] That is very stupid. ...