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Registered on:8/26/2012
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I took that as to mean why does the grading scale even matter? Does something happen for a F4 tornado that doesn't happen for a F3?...
Downvoted in an attempt to get to 28-3......

re: The worst trade in NFL history

Posted by SEC. 593 on 4/25/24 at 8:59 pm
This will end up being the the worst of all time when all factors are considered. ...
It's a certainty that most of the hot ones that are there, aren't paying in-state tuition. ...

re: AT&T Building in St Louis Just Sold

Posted by SEC. 593 on 4/12/24 at 6:04 pm
Nobody lives in downtown STL, but it's still busy during the work week and when there is a ball-game. ...
I do, but that wasn't the question. I was trying to seriously think and the oldest person I'm friends with is 43. ...
I'm not friends with any old people. ...
I think this is the bigger issue than what impact this has on FIFA. In my opinion the real impact is on the USSF's ability to act as the governing body in this country with regards to FIFA. Not too dissimilar to the PGA & LIV situation....
[quote]Sick of liberals bitching about America[/quote] [quote]Do these people not realize that the reason this country is fricked up is because of them?[/quote] ...
So exactly like the US model?...

re: Sleep restriction for insomnia

Posted by SEC. 593 on 3/26/24 at 10:10 pm
My dad has suffered from insomnia, forever. What I tell anyone who asks, and what works for him is to go camping. Spending at least three nights every few months helps reset his internal clock....
Now go look at the requirements in Forms MV3004 & MV3012 and tell me how homeless illegal aliens are going to be able to vote in Wisconsin....
If you actually read the form EL-131, even if you are homeless you still need to provide at the very least an ID or SS number....

re: Rate ma new custom Chucks

Posted by SEC. 593 on 3/21/24 at 10:11 pm
I've worn a pair once, as part of wedding party, and it was the most uncomfortable pair of shoes I've ever had. My feet hurt the next day. ...
What I think would be more foolish is one of the P2 having had these discussions when they know that it would be going to court with eventual discovery taking place. Having colluded to that point would open a P2 to a whole lot of interference. ...