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Registered on:5/10/2012
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“Would you like to round up” “Please donate to my classroom” “Can you spare a dollar” [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/ea/44/96/ea4496d0294de24ea102c55a80581066.jpg[/img] NOOooooooo...

re: Governor Abbott is a master troll

Posted by ShoeBang on 7/26/24 at 5:17 pm
[quote]that's sickening. what a disgusting human and anyone who thinks this is funny.[/quote] Democrats always appeal to morality when it suits them don’t they? And even more when they can’t form an actual argument. Funny how they don’t accept a moral excuse when it comes their way though hu...
[quote]Didn't Kamala's family own slaves? I think this was proven to be true.[/quote] If you count the black men she kept in jail for longer than they were sentenced to be used for manual labor, then she herself owned slaves too ...
I’ll bet Thomas Matthew Crooks registered in that group...

re: They shot an ex president

Posted by ShoeBang on 7/24/24 at 10:25 am
[quote]and the assassination attempt thread has already been unstickied. [/quote] The Ukraine thread was stickied for like two years ...
[quote]Went to high school with him, lived with him in college, great guy. Never in a million years would I think he was this guy. Looking forward to the facts coming out.[/quote] Got any of those facts you were looking forward to yet? I mean he’s a “great guy” right? I’d imagine he would have b...
It’s so nice to know I’ve never had to tuck my sack back and beg for money from my or my wife’s parents especially if I didn’t need it like this case. ...
He just wants those fists in his arse and he’s trying too hard to hide it...
[quote]surf's[/quote] [img]https://media1.giphy.com/media/NXvbWznxGifYc/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b952a41gea9c1icdr2pcloyyjcunu971h4izncx1iqh8&ep=v1_internal_gif_by_id&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g[/img] ...
Totally worth a thread. 10/10...
[quote]Look at the tweets that he put out 7 hours ago about Sonya Massey.[/quote] Lol you think that was Joe? ...
Well if CNN has it I guess it’s done And if they are comfortable saying “critical” condition we can all assume it is way worse ...
There was that one time a President’s dome exploded all over his wife. I’d say that was pretty historic....

re: Which #1 issue are you voting on?

Posted by ShoeBang on 7/22/24 at 10:22 pm
[quote]Which #1 issue are you voting on?[/quote] #1: Not a Democrat ...

re: Biden In Hospice?

Posted by ShoeBang on 7/22/24 at 10:20 pm
I don’t know why people are “terrified” Joe Biden hasn’t ever been in charge. ...
Destabilizing the ME allows more chances to send American men to die for oil money and defense contracts ...

Did anyone tell Joe yet?

Posted by ShoeBang on 7/21/24 at 1:08 pm
I’m honestly curious ...
They’d be stupid to run anyone other than Kuntmala because it’s just to go loose to Trump anyway. Might as well let her lose so they can crocodile tear up over all the racists and sexists not voting for the bitch who is only slightly better at forming a sentence than her predecessor ...