Favorite team:LSU 
Number of Posts:3010
Registered on:5/10/2012
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[quote]The United States is already the largest holder of Bitcoin on the planet. It would be nothing for them to move the Bitcoin they already hold to the Treasury Department. In fact, it would be smart to do so. Why wouldn't they do it?[/quote] Dude, you’re dreaming, just let it go ...

re: Roughly 148 yds…

Posted by kc8876 on 7/14/24 at 12:55 am
Thanks for letting us know, I was wondering what you’d hit from that yardage...

re: Banshee: anyone watched this?

Posted by kc8876 on 7/12/24 at 2:50 am
[quote]Banshee: anyone watched this?[/quote] Nah man, no one here has seen this show that came out over ten years ago. Tell us all about it [quote]Pretty good show other than the random sex scenes[/quote] Everything about this thread is bad ...
[quote]And who the hell are you???? You had some ego juice this morning[/quote] Shut up stupid ...
[quote]Your own reading comprehension is about as low as you're suggesting everyone else's is. I never said shite about me. [/quote] I was just pointing out how stupid you are. Not surprising you couldn’t figure that out [quote]And if you think the general public understood "this was Harvey 4...
[quote]You're an idiot, and wrong, but keep sucking his dick, maybe he'll give you a shout out on twitter. You don't post sensationalist shite like Katrina or Harvey unless you're wanting clicks. His post was click bait.[/quote] I didn’t even know who the guy was until I read it, but yeah I so wan...
[quote]Yes, because he didn't provide any additional context or information. Where are the rainfall forecasts that analog Beryl to Harvey? I'm still waiting. [/quote] Anyone with an ounce of reading comprehension knew what he was getting at. He’s in the weather community and is tweeting out ...

re: Miami Vice

Posted by kc8876 on 7/4/24 at 4:32 am
[quote]Imagine watching it in 1984. It was a groundbreaking show, a cultural phenomenon around the time Dallas and Dynasty were #1 and #2. It's sort of akin to when Soprano hit. Game changer for TV.[/quote] My dad watched it every Friday night when I was a kid. It was like watching a m...
[quote]I guess I'm an outlier but I find yellow balls more difficult to track in the air.[/quote] It doesn’t make sense. White balls are easier to see in the air and on the ground, I don’t get where these people are coming from ...
[quote]Lol okay, credit usage percentage has a high impact on your credit score but what do I know[/quote] Of course it does. I was responding to your comment about using over 10 percent of it bringing your score down. The effect would be negligible. Keep it under 30% and pay your balance off eve...
[quote]Well it's a catch 22. If you use more than 10% it hurts your credit score but then if you don't use enough they hate you[/quote] You have no idea what you’re talking about ...
[quote]I use my credit card specifically for groceries and gas. I keep my usage below 5% and have a credit score of , 815. I was denied a new card because they said I don't keep enough revolving balances. Is this common? I haven't applied for a new card in probably 6+ years.[/quote] Why would the...
[quote]Kc keep crying, you sound like a little bitch. No flexing involved, the discussion was regarding whether SM was a nice course (it’s not). For such a “tremendous asset” pretty interesting none of y’all can get a morning tee time.[/quote] I sound like a bitch because I pointed out that you’r...
[quote]Last time I played out there (2 years+) they were charging $80+[/quote] Yeah, sure they were. You spouted off shite to make a point and didn’t know what you were talking about, just stop responding ...

re: Getting back into Golf/lessons

Posted by kc8876 on 6/24/24 at 12:37 pm
[quote]Then someone downvoted Nathan. Either someone doesn’t know what they’re talking about or they’re just a douche. Nathan is a great coach, cares about his students success and knows the game like nobody’s business. I would highly recommend him.[/quote] Hey Nathan, stop overcharging people ...
[quote]Al Opecia[/quote] Do you have a mental disability? ...

re: LSU Golf Course as of 6/21/24

Posted by kc8876 on 6/21/24 at 6:03 pm
[quote]Is it pretty much a given this is where the area is going and they have packed it in?[/quote] What? It’s been this way for years, they didn’t just start packing it in And lol at getting a tee time to go play there ...

re: How do you aim your shots?

Posted by kc8876 on 6/21/24 at 12:17 pm
[quote]Its very hard. It causes more swing faults than anything else. If it was very easy game of golf would be a lot easier for everyone.[/quote] This explains a lot. I’d find a different hobby if I were you...
Of course Falcone’s daughter is taking over and she’s gonna be the biggest bad arse in the show. HBO never fails to deliver ...

re: How do you aim your shots?

Posted by kc8876 on 6/19/24 at 3:34 pm
[quote]People overthink it.[/quote] That’s my point. It’s unreal how much more complicated people make the game. And aiming is simple and easy...